Contacts re-enroll in a workflow, but never repeat its actions.
I have a workflow which enrolls contacts from a Smartlist, tests if they haven't been emailed lately, and then offers them a piece of unseen lead development content. Re-enrollment is enabled and set to re-enroll contacts from that list.
While the re-enrollment works, contacts never actually repeat the workflow. This isn't my understanding of how that's supposed to work, from the documentation:
When a contact is re-enrolled, they will always start the workflow at the beginning. They will complete all actions and receive any automated emails again.
I've tried this with a stripped-down version and list of test contacts, as well, where the only actions in the workflow are to send me an SMS and wait one minute. While test contacts re-enroll, they never restart the workflow.
If the workflow history doesn't show re-enrollment, then re-enrollment isn't working.
When you use a smart list as the enrollement criteria, are the contacts coming off and back on to the list (after having completed the workflow)? If not, re-enrollment will not work.
Contacts re-enroll in a workflow, but never repeat its actions.
With pleasure, it's making me crazy 🙂
Here's the simplest form of the workflow, with settings:
Simple WorkflowSettings 1Settings 2
And its history:
In this iteration, the enrollment criteria is a static list membership. Replacing it with a Smartlist doesn't appear to make a difference.
The full workflow, with if/then branches to test for content, is harder to screencap - it's pretty big. Looking at the history, though, the same thing happens: a contact goes through the workflow actions, completes it, then never restarts the workflow.
The workflow history does not mention their re-enrollment, though checking the Contact entry will show they are a member of the workflow (with status "Completed").
If the workflow history doesn't show re-enrollment, then re-enrollment isn't working.
When you use a smart list as the enrollement criteria, are the contacts coming off and back on to the list (after having completed the workflow)? If not, re-enrollment will not work.
Contacts re-enroll in a workflow, but never repeat its actions.
If I'm following you correctly: if one of Smartlist X's criteria is that a contact not be active in workflow Y, and the enrollment criteria of workflow Y is membership in Smartlist X, there would be a loop that refreshed that contact's list membership (and therefore enrollment) when the workflow completed?