Clearing a property when a contact exits a workflow
The last step in my workflow is to clear a property.
When a contact is unenrolled via suppression list, hitting a goal, or no longer matching the criteria, the last step will be not be reached.
I thought about adding another workflow that could test for "property to clear" is known and "not in workflow" but I worry that could happy before the contact gets enrolled in the workflow and unset the value prematurely.
It would be really neat to have the ability to set cleanup actions that always run when folks exit the workflow.
Enroll records when 'isn't currently active' in your original workflow AND [your property] is known
Clear property value
Alternatively, set up this second workflow so that it's enrollment criteria match the unenrollment criteria of your original workflow exactly AND [your property is known].
Enroll records when 'isn't currently active' in your original workflow AND [your property] is known
Clear property value
Alternatively, set up this second workflow so that it's enrollment criteria match the unenrollment criteria of your original workflow exactly AND [your property is known].
Clearing a property when a contact exits a workflow
That's what I have now, and I worry about a race condition where both the original workflow and this workflow trigger enrollment at the same time, and then this workflow unsets the value prematurely.
So "has been in Original" and "not currently active in Original" together, solves the issue for me.