Just wondering if anyone has been able to utilize the information collected in the pre-screen routing form and send it through to Hubspot. I am working with a form where the pre-screen routing form helps to segment leads to different CSM's based on potential contract size but that information is also needed to put them into the correct pipeline.
Any information collect post routing form is coming in as expected and name and email is coming through but I am not seeing any of the other question answered from the routing form coming through.
I am aware it's a new feature from Calendly but has anyone seen a solution to this yet?
I would suggest reaching out to Calendly (support@calendly.com) as the integration is built by them and they might have better insights on what the fields are referring to.
Thank you!
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I understand that you are looking to see if there is a way to sync with HubSpot the pre-screen routing forms from Calendy. I would like to tag in some of our integrations experts on this to see if this would be possible at this time @HubDoPete , @lynton and @himanshurauthan. Would you know if it is possible for @AJacob to sync this information?