I am trying to change from 2 forms on 2 pages to 1 form with a selection radio button to go to 2 different lists.
So currently I have form 1 on page 1 that is linked to active list 1, and form 2 on page 2 that is linked to active list 2.
I want to create 1 form with a radio button to select option 1 or option 2 and based on the input have them linked to active list 1 or 2. However can't see how to filter on the radio button. Anyone have an idea? or is it even possible?
Excellent 🙂 I think there's not even need for an "AND" in all honesty, as you can just filter based on that radio button property, instead of the form "AND" the radio button property 🙂
I'm not sure if I'm oversimplifying this, but the way I see it would be to have the 2 lists and just have that property where the radio button sits as the criteria. I'd like to think that if you have the form with a property, for example, called "Radio buttons" and the options are "button 1" and "button 2", then when the selection is made, the data will be stored on the contact's record.
Therefore, when you create your active lists, you just need to have a criteria that's "Radio buttons" equals "option 1" for list 1, and equals "option 2" for list 2.
That is how I thought it should work, however I can not refine the filter to radio buttons, I manage to find the field, but if I click on it, nothing happens
I think I have figured it out, I was trying to refine the filter after adding the filter for the form submission, however clicking on add after and selecting the properties of the radio button I can actually choose one of the options. I thought I had to add that after form submission. So now it has 2 separate filter options, with AND. I guess I was trying it the difficult way.
Excellent 🙂 I think there's not even need for an "AND" in all honesty, as you can just filter based on that radio button property, instead of the form "AND" the radio button property 🙂