We're going to add a hidden preferred language field on our lead capture form. Where can I find documentation on the correct values to use for each language option as well as the correct field name to use for the mapping? Lastly, how can I make the Beitrag ansehen
Hi @montyrach305 , Here's a list of values the field can take: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/Tips-Tricks-Best-Practices/Preferred-Language-in-C...Beitrag ansehen
We use Internal email notifcations in a lot of our workflows to help traffic responses from members to team members to get them to follow up on questions. We have recently found that if you forward the email notice to the person to follow up on Beitrag ansehen
Hi @KNorberto ,
I agree - and so do other users: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/HubSpot-Ideas/Custom-logo-internal-email/idi-p/397818
...Beitrag ansehen
Regarding the forms, it would be really useful to understand who has landed on a form, part completed it and then dropped off without submitting it. Knowing what the definition of 'interacting with a form' is would be very helpful. Does anyone Beitrag ansehen
Thanks for the shout out @Josh - yes @RKenyon this would be interesting functionality for sure. Especially if folks existed in the CRM so you cou...Beitrag ansehen
When my Gravity Form's File Upload field accepts more than 1 file. The links for the files are shown in only 1 value in the properties separated by a comma. I would like them to be shown as separate values. Example of Issue: File Upload Property: Beitrag ansehen
Hi @Markestac , Thank you for the detailed explanation! I’m particularly interested in the custom development solution you mentioned for splitting ...Beitrag ansehen
I have been trying for the last 3 hours to get the button on this form to center align. Hubspots default setting is to make the button the entire width of the form, which is dumb (especially considering they give you an option to adjust the ali Beitrag ansehen
Hey Hubspot folks, I hope you all had a great Christmas for the ones who celebrated and a good break for the others. I'm coming with a question: we agree that on Hubspot each module (forms, CTAs, ...) you can build and deploy can be custom Beitrag ansehen
Hello guys, I've been trying to import my custom font into HubSpot and use it for my forms and CTAs with no success for now. Anyone could help? Thanks in advance and merry Christmas!! Best, Vince
Our website uses a HubSpot contact form to capture leads. However, whenever I reload the website, the contact form disappears. How can I prevent this from happening to ensure business continuity and lead generation? The website is built with WordPre Beitrag ansehen
Hi @KiesiakA , seems like your Contact page has multiple Javascript errors. When I open the console, I see the following:
All those r...Beitrag ansehen
I need to send out product emails that drive leads to a single lead gen form but I need to be able seperate them by product group so that I can then direct them to an external CRM to the corresponding business units. Should i add hidden fields Beitrag ansehen
Hi @BWeatherfor1 ! Welcome to the Community-- happy to have you here 😊
This is a great question. To clarify, are the contacts already sep...Beitrag ansehen
We've been getting a lot of junk form fills and trying to stop this. We've done all the recaptcha and I see the email domain blocker, which sounds great, but also blocks all mainstream email providers (gmail, yahoo etc). The domains seem to always Beitrag ansehen
I have a HubSpot form, and I want to embed the responses into a HubSpot quote for existing contacts in HubSpot. To avoid creating new contacts when an existing user fills out the form using a different email address, I’d like to autopopulate the for Beitrag ansehen
Hi CDeMares, So I do not have a way to make certaine that it would work, but there is a possible way around it. Depending on how you are sha...Beitrag ansehen
Hi all, Depending on the answer to this question, this post might belong on the idea board. Is there a way to present a user with a score after filling out a HubSpot form? Also can questions pop up one at a time? Wondering if there can be a Beitrag ansehen