What are the best options for capturing a unique ID for each form submission of HubSpot hosted forms? Our reporting and sales hand-off process relies on having the ability to match up each individual submission (i.e. RFQ 00001, RFQ 00002, etc.) read more
Don't worry, you are not alone in using a different CRM. Personally I have done a lot of work with Hubspot Marketing and Salesforce and it is very c...read more
Hello, We are still new to HS, so this question may have a simple answer. I'm wondering how to report on the number of new vs. known contacts captured by a form, specifically over a 30 day period for our monthly reporting. I know that you can t read more
Hi, We have leads from many different countries and we need to differentiate between them for reporting reasons. The IP Country Code property would be really useful for this but unfortunately it is not always filled in automatically. Does anyone read more
Hi @erik , welcome to the community! There are a few reasons why this can happen; IP addresses are being pulled in by multiple third party instance...read more
Hello all, I have an issue with creating a dashboard of my FORMS. I have information from contacts that downloaded my marketing content from my forms, I haven't use Landing Pages. I want to see of those people that donwloaded my form, which on read more
Hey @Laura can you confirm if you are using the Forms tool from the paid Marketing COS product or Collected Forms? Just want to make sure we're on ...read more