We have several HubSpot landing pages that include a video. For the videos, we've included a form CTA that we'd like to require before the video plays. Currently the form can be simply closed without completing the form and the video is now playabl read more
Hi @genom , To make the form submission required before the video plays, do this - 1. Although you mentioned not seeing the "skip options," tr...read more
Hi all, We've created a pop-up with the new CTA feature in Hubspot. This pop-up includes a CTA button, that leads to a landing page with a form. The goal is of course to submit the form on the landing page. We want to know how many people s read more
HI @SBlocq To avoid using JS and custom UTM parameters, you could take advantage of HS's new customer journey reporting. https://knowledge.hubsp...read more
We use the CTA to display the form in a pop-up window and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In incognito mode in Chrome it mostly doesn't work, so this is a good place to test. An error appears: "web-interactives-embed.js:1 Uncaught DataClo read more
@kgwozdz have you tested without the cookiebot to verify that the functionality works regardless of the user's cookie prefernces? I've seen a lot o...read more
We have published a CTA banner for certain pages, but it never appears, also according to the views. At first we set different triggers and it never worked and now it doesn't appear even with ‘Always show’. Do I need to make an adjustment somewhere read more
I'm seeing an error in the console that is restricting the hubspot script from the CSP. As this appears to be a Hubspot CMS site, I would recommend r...read more
We have a PDF brochure that we want to embed as a CTA to track clicks. When we use a HubSpot CTA, the setting to Open the link in a new tab does not do that; it opens up a popup. If someone's using Safari, they may not see that the popup is blocked read more
Morning Pam, No, the team did not have a fix. I have to submit it for people to vote on... This gives me an unclear/unrealistic timeline now, as it ...read more
Hi all, I need to add a code snippet to an external website button to get it to trigger/open my HubSpot popup CTA. HubSpot says to a dd the below classes to the button on the external website. hs-cta-trigger-button hs-cta-trigger-button-1 read more
Hi @EmmaMartins If you're already using HubSpot tracking code, then you'd be able to trigger that pop-up with the following code: <div class=...read more
I want to create a form that automatically download the PDF or eBooks when you submit. How can I insert CTA button to the form or change the submit button to CTA button that I created?
@AKwon8 this would be a Sales / Service Hub Enterprise feature: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/forms/redirect-a-form-to-a-meeting-scheduling-page#c...read more
I currently have two slide-in banner CTAs running on my site. The criteria for appearance/disappearing is identical. However, one is getting far, far more impressions than the other. Are these CTAs weighted somehow? What could account for one appear read more
Ah! Interesting - HubSpot maybe processes newer CTAs first then. It probably considered fairly unusual to have two CTAs on the same page. The best re...read more
Hi there, I have set the action to be a scheduling page, but it is not displaying that. Instead it is just displaying the header text of the form. How do I go about making sure that after submission the user lands on the scheduling page?
You can publish it and then go to your form as a visitor if it takes you to the scheduling page, it's awesome. But if it's not taking you there, that...read more
Hello, It would be useful for some of our website pages to have their own pop-ups so that 1. Visitors can subscribe to updates on the page's specific subject ie we have a page where you can view airlines' on-time performance with a pop-up that s read more
Hey @AMilchem9 , thank you for reaching out!
One possible solution could be implementing a cookie-based approach. When a visitor interacts w...read more
I added an embeddable CTA at the bottom of this page. It's built as one section with two columns. The CTA's Design > Layout > Enable responsive layout setting is turned on so that at smaller widths, the columns stack. However, for some reas read more
Thanks for the reply @PamCotton . I double checked the image and column settings and no luck. I should mention that we're embedding the CTA on Webfl...read more
Hi there, I've recently created a CTA button for our external website. It redirects/links to a CTA pop-up so we can get people to fill in a form before downloading content. But it doesn't seem like the button is recording clicks? I've clicked it read more
Hey @EmmaMartins , thank you for posting in our Community!
Please, ensure that the HubSpot tracking code is correctly installed on the webpa...read more