Okt 28, 20169:18 AM - bearbeitet Okt 29, 201612:26 PM
Why aren't my Lead Flows Displaying?
Lead Flows are a great pop-up lead capturing form that can be used within HubSpot. These are designed to grab a potential leads attention more than a standard HubSpot form. If you have published a Lead flow and it is not appearing on your site this may be due to a number of reasons.
1. Your Tracking code is not correctly installed on your site.
Your Lead flow is installed through your Tracking code. The easiest way to verify this is by right clicking (ctrl + click on a mac) on your web page and selecting "view source". In here you will see all the lovely code behind your website. If you copy your HubID and within your "view source" page press CTRL + F (CMD + F on Mac). This will bring up a search window. In this search window place your HubID. Just should bring you to a line of code starting with <script>. This will include your HubSpot tracking script.
If you do not find any lines of code that contain your HubID. This means it is not installed on your site. Place this code onto your site and you will be able to publish your Lead Flows directly to it.
2. You have previously cancelled (pressed "x") on your Lead Flow.
We hate spam. Everyone hates spam. If a visitor isn't interested they're not going to become more interested by being pestered. Lead Flows are built to help you offer great content, not to bug people. Once a contact views a Lead Flow and then dismisses it by pressing the "x" or close button it will not appear again for them for the next 14 days. A cookie will be dropped on their browser that will ensure that this is not shown for the next 14 days. If you are not sure if this is happening on your computer the best way to verify would be to open an incognito (or in-private) browser window. If your Lead Flow appears for your it may be because of this or step 3.
3. You have filled out your Lead Flow
Similar to the above, once a Lead Flow has been completed and submit, a cookie will be dropped on the contacts browser telling the Lead Flow that this person has filled it out. It will then not display for them again. You can verify if this is happening to your by opening your web page in an incognito or in-private browser window.
@Tom thanks for your suggestion. Everything is working fine in the mobile view and tablet view but not in DESKTOP View. is there any solution for this? it would be really helpful.
@Tom Hello, I've installed the code onto my website, and am getting the desired lead flow to pop up on desktop. However, it does not seem to be working on mobile at all. Any recommendations?
Like people above I have problems displaying the popup. My ID shows in source code and I'm pretty sure I didn't click to close it before because I never saw it.
@stevenbauwens Looking through your page it looks like you only have lead flows in draft mode within your portal and there are none published within your account. You will need to publish lead flows before they will show up on your page.
Is there a way to force these to display. Say I'm sending people to a page via a direct link on email or social, I'd want this form to pop up, even if they've dismissed before. Is there any URL parameter or something to force it to display?
I have followed all installation steps. I am using the WP plugin and it shows that I'm correctly connected. All JS scripts appear to be getting imported, and I receive no errors. I also have the lead flow generically set to "all pages". However, no Lead Flow displays. Please advise.
I have tried all of the steps for lead flow, however, nothing is showind up on my site. It is a wordpress site. Code is in the source file and plugin is installed. Have viewed site on multiple computers and incognito windows. Nothing showing. This is something we really want to use and will become paid customers if we can get it to work. Thanks
I have followed all of your suggestions to remedy this problem, but to no avail. The HubID/Tracking Code is in the code on my site, I have never pressed cancel on my lead flow, and I have checked the site in an incognito window... still not showing up. DO you have any further suggestions?
I too have followed all the above suggestions to make my lead flow work, even had a developer look at. I did everything properly, but the lead flow will still not display. Is there an alternative solution to fix this issue?