When will we be able to use pop-ups for e-mailing to create links to forms, or a link to an internal page on our site?
Because for the moment it is very restrictive. We can only subscribe to a newsletter, but not create a link to a form directly or a link to an internal page.
It is conceivable to develop it?
Thanks, have a good day,
Quand-est ce que nous pourrons utiliser les pop-ups destinés à l'e-mailing pour créer des liens redirigeant vers des formulaires, ou un lien vers une page interne à notre site ?
Car pour le moment c'est très restrictif. On ne peut seulement s'inscrire à une newsletter, mais pas créer de lien vers un formulaire directement ou un lien vers une page interne.
If I have understood you correctly, the best solution to this currently is to have a developer create a custom pop-up modal for you that you use to point visitors to the destination of your choice. HubSpot's Pop-Up Forms only support the pop-up form function currently.
If I have understood you correctly, the best solution to this currently is to have a developer create a custom pop-up modal for you that you use to point visitors to the destination of your choice. HubSpot's Pop-Up Forms only support the pop-up form function currently.