Understanding who has landed on a form, part completed and dropped off
Regarding the forms, it would be really useful to understand who has landed on a form, part completed it and then dropped off without submitting it. Knowing what the definition of 'interacting with a form' is would be very helpful.
Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for this?
You could get some of this information if you are tracking CTA clicks that go to a page with a form, however, this wouldn't tell you anything about partial completions. Unfortunately, this still is not available in HubSpot, however, @danmoyle created an Idea on the Ideas forum for it. Please go an upvote it!
To your other point, I believe the "interacting with a form" would require the contact to actually complete the form.
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Josh Curcio HubSpot support and inbound marketing for OEMs, contract manufacturers, and industrial suppliers. HubSpot Diamond Partner & HubSpot Certified Trainer
Understanding who has landed on a form, part completed and dropped off
Thanks for the shout out @Josh - yes @RKenyon this would be interesting functionality for sure. Especially if folks existed in the CRM so you could track them. Without their email, it may be more difficult, but I imagine HubSpot can solve for that. Hopefully attention on that Idea will help. And welcome to the Community!
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You could get some of this information if you are tracking CTA clicks that go to a page with a form, however, this wouldn't tell you anything about partial completions. Unfortunately, this still is not available in HubSpot, however, @danmoyle created an Idea on the Ideas forum for it. Please go an upvote it!
To your other point, I believe the "interacting with a form" would require the contact to actually complete the form.
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Josh Curcio HubSpot support and inbound marketing for OEMs, contract manufacturers, and industrial suppliers. HubSpot Diamond Partner & HubSpot Certified Trainer
Understanding who has landed on a form, part completed and dropped off
Thanks for the shout out @Josh - yes @RKenyon this would be interesting functionality for sure. Especially if folks existed in the CRM so you could track them. Without their email, it may be more difficult, but I imagine HubSpot can solve for that. Hopefully attention on that Idea will help. And welcome to the Community!
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