Lead Capture Tools


Non-hubspot form missing one field from submissions

Hi, I have non-hubspot (webflow) forms on my site. Submissions are coming through, but they are only capturing one out of two fields in the form - Email. The other is Website URL. The Website URL field is therefore not populating against the Contact created in the CRM (but is recognized as a field in the form. See screenshot.)Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 19.09.41.png

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Community Manager

Non-hubspot form missing one field from submissions

Hey @SPurdon thank you for posting in our Community!


Currently, all data submitted to non-HubSpot form fields will only match single-line text field type properties in HubSpot.


Non-HubSpot form fields cannot match with other field types.


You can create form fields or labels to match HubSpot default properties, or create a custom contact property to match the name or label of your form field.


HubSpot will automatically try to map form fields to existing contact properties in HubSpot using logic in the following order:

  1. field name with contact property internal name
  2. field label with contact property name
  3. field label with contact property internal name
  4. field name with contact property name

I hope this helps resolve your query, but if you need any further clarification on the above, please let me know.



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