Lead Capture Tools


Link Gravity form checkbox




We use form on our website to take information about a transaction (not only contact elements).



I try to link our website's form (Gravity Form WP pluggin), throught Zapier to create a new deal after each submission but our Gravity form have checkbox (as well as our Transactions properties) but I can't connect chechbox fields from Gravity form to a Deal throught Zapier. 


Do you have any idea how we can do to collect datas on our external website which collect some informations about Transaction (quantity, product...) and some other informations about Contact (email, phone...)


Thanks a lot

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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Link Gravity form checkbox


Hello @cynthia75 this is an issue you will need to reach out to Gravity and Zapier about directly. If they have any follow up questions specific to HubSpot post them here and we'll make sure to get you answers. 

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Link Gravity form checkbox


If you are still having a problem with this, there is a new(ish?) plugin for gravity forms and hubspot.  If you google gravity forms hubpot plugin, you will find it.  It works really well, but I did just find a solution on it with check boxes and radial buttons that I will pass along. In Gravity Forms if the Label and the Value are different, then map it in Hubspot to the Value, NOT the label.  That fixed my issue.  Hope this helps.

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Link Gravity form checkbox


I am trying to figure this out and have the new gravity forms plugin but cant match the different dropdowns and checkboses, BoRay, what solution did you find?

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Link Gravity form checkbox


If you are still having a problem with this, there is a new(ish?) plugin for gravity forms and hubspot.  If you google gravity forms hubpot plugin, you will find it.  It works really well, but I did just find a solution on it with check boxes and radial buttons that I will pass along. In Gravity Forms if the Label and the Value are different, then map it in Hubspot to the Value, NOT the label.  That fixed my issue.  Hope this helps.

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Link Gravity form checkbox


I am trying to figure this out and have the new gravity forms plugin but cant match the different dropdowns and checkboses, BoRay, what solution did you find?

Equipe de Produto da HubSpot
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Link Gravity form checkbox


Hello @cynthia75 this is an issue you will need to reach out to Gravity and Zapier about directly. If they have any follow up questions specific to HubSpot post them here and we'll make sure to get you answers. 

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