Lead Capture Tools


How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


Hi! Does anybody know how to create a tag in GTM to treck pop-ups forms submissions? I use 3 white hats solutions to track general forms, but, unfortunately, it doesn't work for the pop-ups forms. 

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


The click class is 'leadin-close-button' when somebody submits on the pop-up form.


If you have more than one pop-up form you'll need to click URL to your trigger that matches the URLs on your pop up.


I take it you if you know GTM you can take it from here.

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


I have sucessfully set up my form tracking in GTM using their hubspot form success listener using the custom data layer variable name "hs-form-guid". This just doesn't work on pop-up forms, this data layer variable is undefined for popup forms. I'm trying to figure out what kind of custom data layer variable that can trigger the form success listener tag. 

The thing is, if I have to use "leadin-close-button" in the click class as the trigger to fire the tag for a successful popup submission, I'm totally dependent on IF the user actually press the close button after submission?

That is really not reliable. There must be a way to track a successful popup submission just like regular forms without being dependant on the user clicks a close button on the form submission. 

I'm surely missing something 🙂


How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?

Hi, the popup forms are not captured by HS form listener. Try my workaround above using the leadin-thank-you-wrapper element. It doesn't depend on the user's clicks and it is only tracking if the pop up form was submitted successfully

How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?

Awesome, makes sense! Will try that, thank you, you saved me some work there
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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


Hi guys


I had the same issue and this is what has worked for me - using the 'leadin-thank-you-wrapper' element after the form submission (the popup message element). See below the trigger definition in GTM:

Hubspot popup form TY message.png

You have to check 'observe DOM changes' since the popup TY message element is not there when the page loads.

BTW, tracking the leadin-submit click class wasn't good enough as this was fired also on non-successful form submission. Tracking the popup message ensures that only successful submissions are being tracked

Hope this will work for you as well.


How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


I set up this trigger and created a tag, but nothing fired when I submitted the form. How do you test this trigger in preview since it is based on a visibility event? My GTM container will not identify any clicks within the pop-up form, so it doesn't report any variables at all. Where can you confirm/view the visibility elements on the page in preview? 

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


How do you set up the tag after that? Is it still an event?

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


@EPolitis thank you!

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


Thanks for this.
In my case, I want to track the clicks on the pop-up as the link opens a new tab.
How would you configure that event? The id is:

gtm.elementClasses:"leadin-button leadin-advance-button leadin-button-secondary"


Thank you

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


Is there any update?

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


This solution works if you are including a download from your pop-up. For example an ebook download. At the end of the form I take them to a "thank you" page to recieve the ebook. I have added a tracking code to that thank-you URL so that I can track who landed on that page from the pop-up. 

If it's just a contact us request or anything where you aren't offering them something at the end this doesn't work because the user won't necessarily click on the last button after they fill out the form. 

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


Agree w/everyone here. I identified click class, both for my Sign up button (leadin-button leadin-advance-button leadin-button-primary) and for the submit button (leadin-button leadin-button-primary leadin-primary leadin-submit) on my pop up form and neither is working. I'm trying to set it up in conjuction with a GoogleAd promotion tracking lead sign ups and this is making it awfully difficult. Would be great if there was a way to add the tag information directly into a backend window in hubspot, if that were a thing. Anyone have any ideas?

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Membro | Parceiro Ouro
Membro | Parceiro Ouro

How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


I'm still trying to get popups to work in Tag Manager I've set up a Form Submission trigger with click class leadin-submit, also tried with Click all elements and click class leadin-submit but it's not working. Any ideas.


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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


The click class is 'leadin-close-button' when somebody submits on the pop-up form.


If you have more than one pop-up form you'll need to click URL to your trigger that matches the URLs on your pop up.


I take it you if you know GTM you can take it from here.


How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


How can I track that properly if the pop-up doesn't give me any success message after form sumbission? I really do not want to create one more tag to deal with errors from people or bots that click in "Ligue-me" withou filling in the phone number. Thank you!

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?




I tried to make it through GTM but it doesn't work. Could you please describe it in details?

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


We have the same problem with pop-up tracking. Does someone resolve this issue?

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How can I track pop-ups form submissions in GTM or GA?


Thanks Mark! This solution sounds more elegant than my one. I simply create two tags for two pop-up forms using a form submission trigger, which is restricted by click IDs that I've extracted from the pop-up forms. I should definitely try your solution.

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