em mai 21, 201911:30 AM - editado pela última vez em jun 18, 20195:15 PM por jennysowyrda
Form showing as "appears on no hubspot pages"
Im not sure my issue is related to this, but I have a form on a HubSpot landing page, but in the Forms List, in the column Appears On: it shows No Hubspot Pages. Any idea why it says that?
That page count will only count HubSpot Pages as it says, so if the form is embeded on a page hosted outside HubSpot (e.g Drupal) it would say that even though the form is there and passing through data.
dez 15, 20226:10 PM - editado dez 19, 202211:52 AM
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Form showing as "appears on no hubspot pages"
This seems a bit odd. I just discovered that all the forms I built to embed in various blog pages, are not being registered as "on a hubspot page". Sometimes it's not obvious, because I don't notice if the number of pages it's on goes up or down, if it was already above 0.
Regardless, the issue is, I want to have form X here, form Y there, as needed on blog pages. I would have to hire a developer to create templates for each little blog form page like that?
We sell multiple product lines, and blog about each one in separate articles/categories, so I would want to drop in forms or gateable opportunities that are tailed to the blog content. Seems like the functionality to do so would be very similar to the Insert CTA options.
You may say, "well you can add a CTA to a form page that is registered on a landing page." But wouldn't any digital or Inbound marketer agree that it's much better to grab a signup right therein the blog post, with no clicks to other pages? We aren't supposed to put hurdles in the way. I can't say where I might want to drop in these forms, across 9k comprehensive posts, FAQ, short news stories, etc. So planning in advance for a template to align...well, it's not required for the CTA insertion. Forms would be welcome.
Yea ... didn't register with us either until a client called saying, "one of our forms is missing". Only to learn that their 'new' HubSpot guy deleted the form because it appeared on ... wait for it ... "No HubSpot pages"! haha 🙂 (head shaking)
Never a dull moment. Have a great day.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
I see it only has one submission, is it still passing through data? I'm curious if it's not functioning properly data-wise or just not displaying the pages it's on.
@MFrankJohnson, Have you encountered anything like this before?
It is a new page and new form, so not many submissions expected yet. The Submissions count isn't the issue. The issue is the column on the list of my forms says it is NOT appearing on any HubSpot landing pages, but it is.