el jun 11, 20176:07 AM - fecha de última edición oct 28, 20201:39 PM por sharonlicari
Failing validation in hubspot form for emails
Hey guys,
we are having an issue with the validation of emails in our Hubspot form. E.g. Using the email address "test@shore.com" is being displayed as not valid although the domain shore.com exists. Any ideas?
You can find the form here when you click on request free demo.
HubSpot automatically validates email addresses as they are entered on your HubSpot forms. This default functionality, built into HubSpot forms, helps to prevent spam form submissions. If you or your customers attempt to submit a form with a fake or outdated email address, an error message will be displayed beneath the email field.
Getting the same issue here - valid email addresses from users being inputted with the error "Please enter your work email". Please could someone reach out to help?
You can ask Hubspot support through chat to "unbounce" the address manually, at least that was the problem with some of the emails that were flagged as invalid on our forms:
The email is valid, however it has previously bounced more than once, so it is now considered "globally" bounced (essentially this means that we can't email this contact until we unbounce them). This marks the email as "invalid" by our forms tool each time we try to input it because the system thinks it's not valid, since it has bounced before. I can unbounce the email for you on my side if you can confirm that it's a valid email address. It sounds like it is, since the customer has queried this with you, so I'm going to go ahead and unbounce the contact here on my side.
thanks for your message. unfortunately we're relying on these forms all across our website (ie. for prospects to book demos). There's dozens submissions an hour currently getting the error "please enter a valid email" even though their email is valid. We also can't see what email they tried submitting with (because the form itself is preventing them from submitting it 😅) so unbouncing manually / retrospectively won't be a solution. We contacted support yesterday but no response as of yet.
Yes I understand. We had the same problem so we coded a custom solution on top of our forms to track these "invalid" emails (if visitor gave consent) so that our SDRs can contact these people manually.
Wow, it's been SIX YEARS and this problem still hasn't been fixed. My customers are getting "Please enter a valid email address" even though their emal addresses are completely valid and correct. How can HubSpot charge so much when basic functionality just doesn't work? Is there any way to COMPLETELY TURN OFF this uselsss email validation feature?
I'm sorry for the frustration caused here. I wanted to share with you this documentation we have on forms validation. I can also see you have a ticket opened with technical support on this and that they have looked at it. The best next step here would be to continue partnering with them, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share specific examples here.
I'd also recommend posting an Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this (I couldn't find a similar idea). That way other users can upvote it; and the Product Team regularly monitors the Forum
Thanks, unfortunately the support team didn't have a solution other than to unblock addresses one-by-one. Our volume is in the tens of thousands per day, so there's no way we can do this manually. We need a way to disable validation since HubSpot's validation clearly doesn't work and produces too many false positives, which costs us customers.
Regarding the "ideas forum", how is this an "idea". You are incorrectly blocking valid email addresses. That's a bug. You should fix bugs without users having to "upvote" it in the ideas forum. (And, you almost never develop ideas from the forum anyway).
el may 23, 20228:08 PM - fecha de última edición may 24, 20225:40 AM por TitiCuisset
Failing validation in hubspot form for emails
Hello All,
We are facing the same issue, not sure what's going on. Two of our main email IDs (listed below) are showing invalid in the HubSpot form and this is even though we haven't used these two email IDs for any campaigns or marketing purposes. It's a serious glitch that should and should be corrected, or there should be a way to get it working.
I had a look with the team and the reason you see this error is that these two email addresses have hard bounced with the following error that was returned from your server towards mid May: 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try 550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or 550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at 550 5.1.1
This often happens when the profesionnal email addresses have started being used before the IT team completely activate them - if you can send me proof (screenshots) of these two emails being used (screenshot of emails sent from those adresses for example) I can see with the team to unbounce them
I have seen clearout hubspot form validation to be perfect for my case, where by the email validation will be performed on real-time to know the current status of email and preventing all bad emails entering into the system
Today we encountered this error again on a valid email address, but support was able to help this time:
Okay, I have located the issue with this Peter. The email is valid, however it has previously bounced more than once, so it is now considered "globally" bounced (essentially this means that we can't email this contact until we unbounce them). This marks the email as "invalid" by our forms tool each time we try to input it because the system thinks it's not valid, since it has bounced before. I can unbounce the email for you on my side if you can confirm that it's a valid email address. It sounds like it is, since the customer has queried this with you, so I'm going to go ahead and unbounce the contact here on my side.
After the unbounce from the support team the email is now valid. I understand why it got falgged, but there should be a working solution for this. Either disabling the email check (on the account level or on each form separately), or reworking the function so that it actually tests the emails real-time instead of just checking an outdated log.
I'm building some marketing emails format and wanted to send them out for testing but only my work email works while my gmail accounts don't. All the emails I used are valid (eg. this very account here).
Could you please send me a private message with the link of the form and the email address that is not being accepted? The more information, screenshots, and details you can provide, the better I can advise on the next steps.
Hello! We're having the same problem. Valid email address (100% sure about that), but Hubspot throws the error "Please enter a valid email address". I see that the problem persists from 2017, so I think the solution would be to allow Hubspot users to disable this email check feature. I understand why it is in place, but I don't understand why there is no option to turn this feature off even if you were unable to fix it in almost 5 years. This is not the first time it happened on our forms, and if your support was right, there are no logs where we could check what percentage of customers get this error on valid email addresses. Now we have to code our own functions to log each of these cases, so that we don't lose any leads/deals.
Could you please provide an explanation on why there is no way to turn this off?
We are finding that all Hubspot forms we have tested reject all "@impulse.net" email addresses. We are a small ISP and have both ~50 company staff and about 5,500 customers on this domain. It both IS a valid domain and IS NOT a "free to the world" email service. I couldn't even use my work email address to create an account to post this question to this board (see screenshot).
Example forms that are rejecting all (valid) "@impulse.net" addresses include:
I can have a look at this. Would you mind however sending me via DM a screenshot of recent communication with that address showing that it is valid? (using the email address that I can see in your above screenshot)
I have received your DM, thank you for the screenshot.
I've understood the problem and now that I have a specific example for the team. I've reached out to them and I will let you know once I have an update.