Lead Capture Tools


Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


We have had a number of confused customers fill out either our "request a demo" or "request a preview" forms on our website. While we can use their lifecycle stage to exclude them from our prospecting workflows, they still show as submissions and are throwing off our conversion rate on the page and I'm worried a list will be pulled of anyone who submitted that form not realizing it might have customers in it. 


We need a way to remove someone from a form submission, or remove a form submission from a contact record without deleting the entire form or contact record. 

1 Soluciones aceptada
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi @MStevens711,


Good news, there is now a private beta for this 🙂



Delete form submissions

Mar 19, 2024

What is it?

We are excited to announce the Private Beta for the ability to delete form submissions.


Users with appropriate permissions can now delete form submissions. By default the super admins for the HubSpot portal will be granted access to delete form submissions. Any user who needs to delete form submissions should reach to their portal admin to get the necessary permissions.


For the private beta, users can select up to 10 form submissions to delete at a time.

On deleting a form submission, all the relevant analytics data such as Submissions count, Conversion rate etc. will be updated.


All the reporting across HubSpot, for example, Customer journey analytics etc. will be updated to reflect the deleted submissions.


Please note that contacts/companies/tickets created via form submissions will not be deleted. Also, any workflows triggered via a form submission will continue to execute even after the form submission has been deleted .


Why does it matter?

As part of building forms, customers make test submissions to evaluate the form and could be receiving submissions from a bad actor who submits forms with bad data. However, there is no support to delete form submissions and in turn, these test submissions impact the form submissions analytics data. Hence, users struggle with reporting or analyzing form submissions accurately within HubSpot.


As a workaround, users have to manually export the form submissions data out of HubSpot to remove the test submissions or other faulty submissions etc.


This creates additional work for users, defeats the purpose of the reporting capabilities that HubSpot offers and ultimately results in disjointed solutions for marketing teams.


How does it work?

  • Under the Forms tool, go to your specific form where you have submissions that you would like to delete.

You can see that this form has 3 submissions and the conversion rate is 100%.


  • Select one or more submissions that you would like to delete. On selecting the submissions, you will see the "Delete" option enabled (if you have the appropriate permissions)
  • Confirm that you would like to delete the submissions. Please note that once deleted, the submissions can not be retrieved.


  • On successful deletion, all relevant metrics will be updated.

You can see that the Submissions count and the conversion rate is updated under the Performance tab and also the Analyze page is updated.


Who gets it?

All hubs and tiers

You can enroll into the beta here:




If you're not seeing it yet, you'll either have to reach out to your customer success manager or be patient for a few more days.


Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

Beratungstermin mit Karsten vereinbaren


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13 Respuestas 13

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.




I think this has not been fully resolved.


It is true that it is now possible to delete submissions from a form, however, if you do an analysis of the visits and submissions of a landing page, these submissions (even if you have deleted them, both the submissions and the contacts themselves in the CRM) continue to appear in the analytics of the landing pages.


Therefore, it is true that we can delete submissions but the metrics are still wrong, which was possibly the objective of eliminating submissions from the forms, to clean up the metrics.


Could you review this?


Thanks in advance


Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Testing the beta and so far so good, we cleared out our test submissions succesfully

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Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi @MStevens711,


Good news, there is now a private beta for this 🙂



Delete form submissions

Mar 19, 2024

What is it?

We are excited to announce the Private Beta for the ability to delete form submissions.


Users with appropriate permissions can now delete form submissions. By default the super admins for the HubSpot portal will be granted access to delete form submissions. Any user who needs to delete form submissions should reach to their portal admin to get the necessary permissions.


For the private beta, users can select up to 10 form submissions to delete at a time.

On deleting a form submission, all the relevant analytics data such as Submissions count, Conversion rate etc. will be updated.


All the reporting across HubSpot, for example, Customer journey analytics etc. will be updated to reflect the deleted submissions.


Please note that contacts/companies/tickets created via form submissions will not be deleted. Also, any workflows triggered via a form submission will continue to execute even after the form submission has been deleted .


Why does it matter?

As part of building forms, customers make test submissions to evaluate the form and could be receiving submissions from a bad actor who submits forms with bad data. However, there is no support to delete form submissions and in turn, these test submissions impact the form submissions analytics data. Hence, users struggle with reporting or analyzing form submissions accurately within HubSpot.


As a workaround, users have to manually export the form submissions data out of HubSpot to remove the test submissions or other faulty submissions etc.


This creates additional work for users, defeats the purpose of the reporting capabilities that HubSpot offers and ultimately results in disjointed solutions for marketing teams.


How does it work?

  • Under the Forms tool, go to your specific form where you have submissions that you would like to delete.

You can see that this form has 3 submissions and the conversion rate is 100%.


  • Select one or more submissions that you would like to delete. On selecting the submissions, you will see the "Delete" option enabled (if you have the appropriate permissions)
  • Confirm that you would like to delete the submissions. Please note that once deleted, the submissions can not be retrieved.


  • On successful deletion, all relevant metrics will be updated.

You can see that the Submissions count and the conversion rate is updated under the Performance tab and also the Analyze page is updated.


Who gets it?

All hubs and tiers

You can enroll into the beta here:




If you're not seeing it yet, you'll either have to reach out to your customer success manager or be patient for a few more days.


Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

Beratungstermin mit Karsten vereinbaren


Did my post help answer your query? Help the community by marking it as a solution.


Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi, is there a way to delete form submission through HubSpot API?

0 Me gusta

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Bizar that this is not possible. Just speeachless, do we need to recreate the form when we want to test it? Also no API option here?


Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


I agree with this! We did a test run on a form submission and now it shows as a submission, had we known it couldn't be deleted we wouldn't have done it. Is this in the works to be updated?

Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi @LSandoval85


Thank you for your inquiry. 


The idea was submitted by another user: Delete form submissions.


The product team has updated the status as "Being reviewed", I encourage you to upvote for the idea, this way you will have all the updates regarding this option.


Best regards,



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Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi @MStevens711,


Thanks for reaching out! The only way to remove a form submission from a contact's record and activity specifically is to delete the contact's record.

If you wanted to remove the record's form submission from the form's analytics altogether, that isn't currently possible at the moment I'm afraid. 


This is an idea submitted in our Ideas Forum that would allow form submissions to be removed from the actual analytics: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/HubSpot-Ideas/Delete-form-submissions/idi-p/27868. I would recommend upvoting there. 




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Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Definitely an upvote here.

With the current settings, if you run tests and fake form subsmissions, you are simply unable to delete them.

I have lost faith in this community since there are valuable ideas with hundreds of upvotes, time passes by and nothing happens. Please do something with your customers' ideas!

Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi @FMarino,


Thank you for your feedback, and I'm sorry for any frustration this may have caused.

The product team made an update to this idea on June 15, 2022. It is currently under review by the team 🙂

I would recommend commenting in the idea thread as the Ideas Forum is where our product team reviews customer feedback. 


Thank you,


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Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


What is the latest status of this request? Would be helpful to have.


Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


I was about to ask the same. It seems so strange that a submission can't be removed. It totally messes up campaign reporting if someone tests a form.

Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Delete a form submission from a contact record, or a contact from a form submission.


Hi @GLeon and @Daveanet,


Thanks for reaching out!


You can get status updates to this feature request by subscribing to the existing idea in the Ideas Forum. 


You can subscribe by clicking on the "Follow"  button or commenting in the idea thread. Once subscribed, you'll get a notification when our product team makes a status update to the idea.


You can read more about how our Product Team makes status updates to Ideas in this guide




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