My question will be simple and my title resume it :
What can be edited / changed into the knowledge base of hubspot. My company is starting to use and i'm in charge of it so i'd like to know if there is possibility to edit the home page something like that ?
I feel it's not possible but just in case i'm asking.
Also there is a roadmap with the coming features ?
Hi @fafaba. Yes, you can customize the template of your company's Knowledge Base to a degree, depending on your development knowledge. Here's what it looks like when you have it up and running and you're adding articles:
When you click "Customize template," you'll go into the HubSpot design tools. Once there, you can make changes, including changing your template.
As for a roadmap of features, I would visit this resource on HubSpot's website and also attend INBOUND next week (and every year) to keep up on what's coming. Hope that helps!
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Hi @fafaba. Yes, you can customize the template of your company's Knowledge Base to a degree, depending on your development knowledge. Here's what it looks like when you have it up and running and you're adding articles:
When you click "Customize template," you'll go into the HubSpot design tools. Once there, you can make changes, including changing your template.
As for a roadmap of features, I would visit this resource on HubSpot's website and also attend INBOUND next week (and every year) to keep up on what's coming. Hope that helps!
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