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Adding a 'last edited' date/time at the top of an article
I am looking to add a date (and possibly time) at the top of a Knowledge Base article so the user can see when it was last edited or updated. Since it appears this functionality does not exist, it may be this needs to be javascript or a job for a developer.
I found this article , and this community post that details a snippet of code you can add to include an "updated date" on a HubSpot blog post -- I'm wondering if the same would work for Knoweldge Base articles?
Hope this helps! If it did, please help the community by marking this as a solution.
Whitney Hathcock HubSpot Community Champion ✅ Found my comment helpful? Great! Please mark it as a solution to help other community users.
Thank you for the help! The solution was to copy the code from the article you shared directly into the Knowledge Base article. I had some help from a developer who opened my eyes to a multitude of other formatting possibilities which I had until now struggled with in HubSpot.
Adding a 'last edited' date/time at the top of an article
Hi there -
To include the date on your articles, you can follow these steps. Please note that currently, there isn't a way to apply this change universally to all articles, so you'll need to add the code individually for each one.
Access the edit article area for the specific article where you want to add the time stamp.
Click on the 'Insert' option, followed by 'Embed.'
Insert the following code: <p style="font-style: italic; color: #555555; font-size: 11px;">Last Updated: {{ content.updated|datetimeformat('%B %e, %Y') }}</p>. This code includes a style that makes the text smaller and lighter in color (refer to the screenshot below).
Thank you for the help! The solution was to copy the code from the article you shared directly into the Knowledge Base article. I had some help from a developer who opened my eyes to a multitude of other formatting possibilities which I had until now struggled with in HubSpot.
I found this article , and this community post that details a snippet of code you can add to include an "updated date" on a HubSpot blog post -- I'm wondering if the same would work for Knoweldge Base articles?
Hope this helps! If it did, please help the community by marking this as a solution.
Whitney Hathcock HubSpot Community Champion ✅ Found my comment helpful? Great! Please mark it as a solution to help other community users.