Job Listings


New Future Student BA Admin/Commerce

Hello Athabasca University Community,


It’s exciting to join such a dynamic and inspiring hub! Over the past year, significant strides have been made in the realms of education, leadership, and professional growth. Achievements include completing diplomas in Office Administration in Health (MOA) and Medical Office Skills (MES), alongside a College Fundamentals certificate. Currently, the focus is on pursuing a Bachelor of Health Administration (BHAD) and an Inclusive Leadership Practices certification to further enhance expertise in project management and inclusive leadership.


With over a decade of customer service experience, two years of leadership in customer relations, and recent freelance work for Centennial College as a digital ambassador, the journey has been one of consistent growth. Participation in competitions like GGJ and RIIPEN CCEC has also been a rewarding experience, fostering innovation and collaboration.


This community offers an incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange ideas. Here’s to supporting one another and reaching new heights together!


I am seeking assistance with knowledge about BA programs I can transfer into and connecting with advisors, or placement coordinators. Establishing a professional relationship network of success advisory.


Looking forward to contributing and learning.

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