

Tips to make the attract stage more organic?

Without losing the informative and promotional tone, how do I keep an organic and not robotic tone with an audience especially in the attract stage. It's difficult trying to balance a fun, light-hearted tone while still making promotional content especially because I am an intern and new at this. Curious to see what your tips are!

3 Antworten
Koryphäe | Elite Partner
Koryphäe | Elite Partner

Tips to make the attract stage more organic?

Hi @MRust and welcome to the community! Congratulations on the intern position and all the best on your journey. 


My advice for someone starting off is to first be patient. You're going to grow, which means you're starting off inexperienced. And that might mean your writing may not be the best to begin with. But lean into it, take feedback, look at results, and grow. You've got this. 


As for the kind of content that resonates with an audience in the attract stage, consider what problems your buyer personas are solving, which relate to your solutions and your brand. Can you find the top 10 problems they're solving, and research the questions they're asking (and you can answer)? 


Here's a story as an example. I used to be the marketer for a mortage bank. I knew one of our personas were first time home buyers. So I thought about all the questions those folks have, and I began to write about those. Those first time buyers would want to know about down payments, what makes a good credit score, what to look for in a good first home, and other important questions. 


Then I'd simply answer those questions (even if the answer wasn't "here's our solution") in a human way. Sometimes it was entertaining (first time home buyer help for zombies). Other times it was empathetic (buying a first home with no down payment). 


So here's my advice: 

  • Research (questions your buyer personas are asking) 
  • Be human (use empathy & emotions, be authentic, entertain and help)
  • Don't be brand-promotional, just help
  • Always be testing

Good luck on your writing! 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


Tips to make the attract stage more organic?

Hi @MRust,


This is a great question! 

I wanted to tag in a couple of subject matter experts to see if they have any input on this matter:  

Hi @antonia_kraft@danmoyle@Alex_Elborn, what kind of content would you recommend in the attract/awareness stage? Thanks!


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Koryphäe | Elite Partner
Koryphäe | Elite Partner

Tips to make the attract stage more organic?

Thanks for the tag @MiaSrebrnjak 😊 

Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative
