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Hi everyone! My name is Kisha. I am currently a student at Baruch College, USA. I work in sales and marketing for a staffing agency. Our prospects and customers grow better when we supply customers based on their needs.
New to the Inbound Study Group? Introduce yourself here ⬇️
New to the Inbound Study Group? Introduce yourself here ⬇️
My name is Kieran Cassidy, I am the founder of a London and Dubai marketing agency ( that relies on and delivers inbound marketing strategies using proven channels.
If you are active on Linkedin please feel free to connect 🙂
My role is to educate people/companies on the effectiveness of inbound versus outbound.
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Hello, my name is Griffen, and I am currently a student looking to pursue my MBA. I work as a new car sales associate for Lexus while going to UTSA simoultaneously. I'm happy to be here!
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Hello , This is Evangelin , I am working as product analyst in a backup and recovery product based company, I am invloved in various activitie like bloger engagement , user experience , Competittor analysis , Content Creation
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Hi everybody. I am a new member of the Domestic Research team. Glad to know about this course. Currently, I am also studying Marketing. I think the course will probably be very helpful to many people, including me. I hope to cooperate with everyone to develop myself further.
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Boa noite a todos! Meu Nome é Jefferson Oliveira e trabalho à 15 anos com legalização de empresas. Area da contabilidade com tendências na àrea fiscal e advocacia com enfase em abrir, regularizar e encerrar cadastros de empresas no Brasil. Um projeto que já trabalhei em especial foi sobre licitações de serviços para o governo e regularições de obras. A minha inspiração, vêm da minha mãe, sempre atenta aos movimentos da região, indicava a todos o caminho certo. Para destacarem seus talentos, em vez de gastar na rua ao vento. Tenho enorme expectativas vamos aprender mais e crescerermos juntos aqui. 😊
Good evening everyone! My name is Jefferson Oliveira and I have been working with company legalization for 15 years. Accounting area with trends in the tax area and law with an emphasis on opening, regularizing and closing company registrations in Brazil. One project I worked on in particular was about bidding for government services and regulating works. My inspiration comes from my mother, always attentive to movements in the region, showing everyone the right path. To highlight their talents, instead of spending money on the street in the wind. I have huge expectations that we will learn more and grow together here. 😊