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Hello. My name is Shravani and I am a Marketing Communication Executive at Nitor Infotech. At Nitor, I work in B2B content creation and content strategy. My key areas of work are blogs and collateral creation along with social media and video content.
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Hello, I'm Pedro, I'm an undergraduate in Media Production and Communication.
I joined this course to learn how to sell your content and make it appealing and enticing, and hopefully implement this knowledge in the future wether for freelancing gigs or as part of a company.
My future is as uncertain as outer space, but hopefully I can build pillars with applicable knowledge.
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Hello, my name is Kerry Ann. I recently received my CDMP and PCM from AMA through DMI. My experience with online marketing is limited to a few diy websites for friends and family, directory listings, and social media. I am here to learn and add HubSpot skills and knowledge to my resume.
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Hola buenas tardes mucho gusto mi nombre es Valentina Quintero, tengo 22 años. Actualmente trabajo como administradora de una oficina, pero tambien como ejecutiva comercial, trabajo con mucho prospectos. Me inspire inicar este curso, para tener mas conocimiento y poder poner mis habilidades en mi empresa.
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hi 🙂 i am currently a student at a technincal high school who is studying finance and marketing. i'm easily inspired by anyb school proiect we have rather it is to make a social media post about something going on in school or just simply collecting information and ideas for our next project.
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Good day everyone my name is nkepile Tjale and I am currently starting a brand so i need to understand the fundamentals of marketing and what I need to know to grow and also be able to outsource my services to other businesses.
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Hi, I'm Saori, Customer support in Japan. Nice to meet you! I have experienced several jobs, such as HR at a shipbuilding company, cosmetics sales, and trade ractices at a logistics company. At poresent, I think these experience would contribute to my role and inbound because they were all small and intermediate sizes companies and I know the diffuculties on work. I'd like to learn more and find what I can do for customers.
Una de las mejores formas de aprender inbound es implementando estrategias y compartiendo ideas con otros profesionales, como tú.
¡Es por eso que estamos tan emocionados de crear esta comunidad de profesionales entrantes para aprender y crecer mejor juntos!
Para empezar, saluda y preséntate. Aquí hay algunas preguntas para ayudarlo a comenzar:
¿Cuál es tu rol actual?
¿En qué industria trabaja actualmente?
Cuéntanos sobre un proyecto en el que hayas trabajado que te haya inspirado.
¿Cómo ayuda a sus prospectos y clientes a crecer mejor?
Hola, me llamo Katy Gálvez soy de la administracion del negocio familiar, en ventas de articulos de sublimación y productos, realmente me gusta mucho las ventas y negocios, estudio una carrera a fin a la administración financiera, el talento de mi esposo y mi desarrollo como tecnico nos impulso crear un negocio de creatividad a través de la personalizacion de articulos, nos gusta servir de la mejor manera ofreciendo trabajos de calidad, únicos y de precio accesible.
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Hello, my name is Amlexander the Great, I come from Burkina Faso and I am in charge of the communication of a the main structure editing and producting textbooks for post-primairy and secondary school students I am really happy to join the group in order to learn better on the ways and means to master inbound marketing
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My name is Nigel Slaughter. I am a junior at Salisbury University majoring in Business Mgmt (Human Resources), minoring in Conflict Analysis & Dispute Resolution. This summer I will be working as a HR Intern at Urban Institute. I'm hoping to learn some inbound strategies to apply to my new position.
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Hello mates, this is vyshnavi, today i want share some of my views and I am going to introduce myself.
I am currently a student, but working in a retail industry as a sales a associate. I have worked on a project long back ago was on Customer loyalty, it gives me an immensive satisfaction while, i deal with customers and solve the issues and helping them.
I can help customers by directing them to thier desired product and at right time. This way i can help them and make them loyal to my reyail organization.
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Hi everyone! I'm Mary Barba, HubSpot Academy's friendly Associate Inbound Professor of Revenue Operations and Operations Hub!
What's your current role?
I am an Associate Inbound Professor here at HubSpot Academy! I teach on Revenue Operations and Operations Hub. You can check out the new cert I just launched here: Revenue Operations Certification.
What industry do you currently work in?
Tell us about a project you've worked on that's inspired you.
Promoting and distributing the Revenue Operations Cert!
How do you help your prospects and customers grow better?
By educating and inspiring them to grow themselves and their companies better through HubSpot Academy education.