Jul 11, 20218:46 PM - edited Aug 12, 202110:39 AM
HubSpot Employee
What makes inbound sales different?
Inbound sales transforms sales to match the way people buy. It's all about meeting prospects where they are and helping them move toward a purchasing decision. Is this different from the way you're used to approaching sales, or have you been doing sales in this way but calling it something else? Leave your thoughts in the comments about how inbound sales is similar to or different from the way you've been doing sales.
I have always used elements of inbound sales strategy, but only sometimes with every potential client. I like the inbound framework because now, I can be consistent with the approach in every customer interaction. 💪🚀
I've worked in inside sales before, and what makes inside sales different is that we are at the end of the sales funnel. We finish the sales for the outside sales rep. The field reps start it but we close the win.
I know that for people to buy from you they have to feel like they know you, Like you and Trust you. You can gain all of these by putting yourself in their shoes to atleast understand the problem in other to profer solution which is your product/service. I am new to sales and I'm enjoying this journey.
I always thought informing prospects of your product or services was enough. Yet, through courses taken at Liberty University and HubSpot. I'm learning that you have to connect with the people you wish to serve. Whether it is selling products or services. Prospects must genuinely feel you are there to meet their needs while also relating to and understanding the problems faced. In Storying Branding 2.0 by James Signorelli (2014), he discusses the process of Storybranding and that "brands can provide the emotional connection that plots and products need to engage their prospective audience" (p. 33). In other words, your brand must connect with prospects to drive a sale. Inbound Marketing seems to run along the same foundation, knowing the inner and outer layers of the brand allows opportunities for prospects to understand what you bring to the table. Authenticity and relatability.
I feel our corporate training has prioritized the modern industry of sales, and compassionate, personally drives sales techniques that are in alignment with the training. It was a great reminder and a wonderful way to synthesize that information with the vocabultary given in the HubSpot Academy lesson.
Inbound sales is totally different , it's adaption to the new era of buying process rather than selling process, it is seeing the prospectives from the buyer's eyes.
It helps buyers to trust you on their challenges , represting you as their consultant and also avoid wasting the time chasing the wrong deals.
Inbound sales is different from the old school sales in that the focus is on the buyer wanting to make a purchase of the product. The seller focuses on the journey of the buyer to finally purchase the product that suits their need.
Inbound sales fundamentally shifts the focus from the salesperson's agenda to the customer's needs, creating a more natural and effective sales process. I find that I have been using a customer-centric approach, focusing on value and trust, and I feel Im already been on the right path!
Inbound sales is about guiding a prospective client towards them eventually making a purchase after having shown interest from hearing about it elsewhere, viewing your website, or having come across the product itself. They are calling in or coming to you with the idea that they are already in need of this product, yours is to help guide them towards knowing even more about it and why they should indeed go for it!
Inbound sales focuses on aligning with the buyer's journey, meeting prospects where they are, and guiding them toward a decision. It's similar to relationship-based sales, but with more emphasis on providing value and content throughout the process.
Sales are the relationship between the company and the employee company make different approaches to reach out the customer and customer buys the product which is needed for themselves
Inbound sales is different because it’s all about helping potential customers by understanding their needs and offering solutions that fit. Instead of pushing products, it focuses on building trust and providing value at every stage of their journey. It’s a more friendly, helpful, and personalized approach that attracts customers through genuine connection.
I think it is more customer-centric than the traditional way of sales where the product is pitched and promoted and everything is about convincing the customer. On the contrary, inbound sales focuses on providing a solution to the customer's solution, making it more trustworthy.
Inbound Sales feels more personized and also allows the seller and buyer to make a more meaningful and possibly long term business relationship. It allows sellers to really get to know the potential buy personally as well as their business.