Inbound Sales

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HubSpot Employee

How do you prep for presentations?

After you've found a lead, connected with them, and uncovered their needs, it's time for the big performance: Your sales presentation. How do you get yourself ready? Share your technique in the comments below!


*To learn more about this, check out the Delivering Personalized Sales Presentations lesson via HubSpot Academy. 

453 Replies 453

How do you prep for presentations?

I always aim to show the main benefits they can get from me or the services my company offers and how they can see I'm different from other suppliers they might've spoken with


How do you prep for presentations?

Take time and research about your prospect then gather ideas about the needs and requirments, while gethering information for myself.  Then hold a meeting and when it happenes give a marvelous presentationa and gain the customer .


How do you prep for presentations?

To prepare for sales presentation after finding a lead and understanding their needs, I review all gathered information visualize success prepare for interaction stay flexible, and enter the presentation with calm confidence 


How do you prep for presentations?

In this instance, we need to look back at all the discovery we have done in prior communications. You did not put in all that hard work just to spit out the same presentation verbatim. 

Review their goals, challenges & timelines. What are the potential implications or consequences of them not using your tool going forward?  What is the timeline you foresee as being needed to ensure they reach those goals?

Once you have a holistic view of their situation, lets make the presentation. 

What does our product do different, that will uniquely serve the clients needs?


Instead of starting with a pitch describing your product, bring to the forefront the challenges and goals they have already mentioned. Ask for confirmation. Then ask them questions such as " Well if goal X was achieved, how would you feel about that?" Make it about them! 

Once you have clarified all these aspects they mentioned previously , ask them questions to see if they too acknowledge the value this brings. 


If they do, then let's book the next steps. 

If they don't - then lets go back to a discovery situation where we try and find out why. 


Before closing the conversation and looking for that signature , lets get any final concerns out in the open by using the 1-10 technique : " On a scale of 1-10 , where 1 is you are not interested and 10 is "Sign me up now " , where do you see yourself?


If over 6 - address it with a sense of amazement - "Wow , an 8! Based on our conversations I was expecting to hear maybe a 6 - Can I ask you why you picked 8?" - this leads them into airing out any further concerns which you can then address using the triple A framework - Acknowledge, Propose Alternative viewpoint & Ask for feedback . Ask them what it is about your product that makes them want to move forward. 

Now you have addressed any final issues , you can ask " Well , it's great to see so your number is so high, but now that we have addressed problem X,Y&Z would you now consider yourself at a 10?" - Address why or why not?"


Congratulations, you now have a fully holistic overview of both the clients needs and challenges & where they are with purchasing your product. Good luck !


Now you have addressed them and they sound 




How do you prep for presentations?

Typically, I review all the previously gathered information about the prospect: their problem, goal, outcomes... prepare the pitch accordingly


How do you prep for presentations?

I prepare for presentations by going over the prospects' details they have given me about their problems and also doing research on them more in depth. Also  combined with preparing for objection handling


How do you prep for presentations?

How do you prep for presentations?

I always do research before doing anything else, once i gather date what i'll do is to highlight necessary info about the presentation


How do you prep for presentations?

Typically spend around a half hour going through notes, highlighting talking points, and remembering a personal connection.


How do you prep for presentations?

A useful way to prepare for the sales presentation would be to put yourself in the perspective of the prospect. Embody their perceptions on the benefits, risks, and everything in between that comes with choosing your offering. This way, you can anticipate possible questions they may ask. 


How do you prep for presentations?

Base your strategy on the buyer not the seller.

- Confirm timing (when will the prosepect sign the contract)

- Confirm the prospect's budget

- Understand how the prospect goes about making a purchase (is it his decision or does he has to involve someone else)

To make sure you're prospect is ready to commit you can use the the 1-10 technique and eliminate any lingering doubts the prosect had about making the purchase.

You're not trying to sell, you're trying to help buy!


How do you prep for presentations?

Investing time and effort into preparation, you can maximize your chances of delivering a successful sales presentation that resonates with your audience and drives results.


How do you prep for presentations?

i prepare to deliver what we discussed countless times.


How do you prep for presentations?

One I tailor my presentation to my buyer, I always if possible do a run through we a flellow colleage asking them to see if it hit the objectives, seemed personable, and tailored towards them. I also run through the presentation in my head timing it to make sure it within time to show my value of their time. 


How do you prep for presentations?

Preparing for a sales presentation involves a balance of thoroughness and strategic focus. Initially, I immerse myself in understanding the client's unique needs and history, ensuring the presentation resonates with their specific challenges and goals. I then tailor the content to speak directly to their situation, integrating relevant examples and data that underscore the value proposition. Rehearsing is crucial — not just to smooth out the delivery but to anticipate potential questions, enabling a confident and authoritative presentation. A final check of all technical aspects ensures a seamless experience. Ultimately, a well-prepared presentation is a cornerstone of sales success, demonstrating both competence and dedication.


How do you prep for presentations?

take important care on what matters most to the client- focus on them

do the 1 -10 test - evaluate and adjust accordingly

get the budget

don't waste their time and yours


How do you prep for presentations?

Each presentation/proposal is customized to the client's home to address their specific needs and goals, and gives them a projected forecast as to what their ROI will be for each solution proposed.  


How do you prep for presentations?

Customizing the presentation to address the prospect's key concerns, coupled with consistent rehearsal and maintaining a neutral stance, alleviates my stress while conveying to the prospect that I'm not simply a pushy salesperson, but genuinely focused on aiding them and fostering mutual benefit.


How do you prep for presentations?

Tailoring the presentation to what's the most important to the prospect repeated practicing along with coming as neutral for the prospect relieves my stress and gives them the idea that I am not trying to be a pushy salesman rather trying to help them and make a mutual benefit.


How do you prep for presentations?

Practice makes perfect! I also make sure to use captivating visuals and use a strong introduction to begin with, in order to gain the auidence's attention.


How do you prep for presentations?

How I get myself ready is I put myself in the shoes of a prospect which is 1. make it super interesting and fun and about the prospect so they do not lose interest 2. Make sure it is pertaining to their particular solutions 3. making sure your body language presents confidence rather than insecurity and doubt


How do you prep for presentations?

How do you prep for presentations?


In my scenario, before preparing for a sales presentation I have to gather necessary information about my prospect their challenges, goals, how I can help them achieve. I will tailor specific solution for in the deck. However, what you've taught it's brilliant with I have to implement for my next sales pitch!