Developers Attending INBOUND - Check out the Road to INBOUND - Tomorrow!
Hey everyone! INBOUND is just around the corner, and we’ve got some exciting news to share!
We’re hosting a special edition of the Developer HubSpot User Group (DHUG) to get you ready for all the action at INBOUND24.
What’s DHUG, you ask? It’s a community where HubSpot developers connect, share ideas, and grow together. And for this session, we’re teaming up with the SEO + Performance + CMS HubSpot User Group (HUG) led by Jennifer Nixon.
What can you expect? We’ll be diving into what’s getting us all hyped for INBOUND24. Plus, we’re bringing in a panel of seasoned community members to share their top tips and tricks on navigating the excitement (and chaos!) that is INBOUND.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-timer, this session is your chance to get the inside scoop and make the most of your INBOUND experience. Don't miss it! RSVP here.
Sarah Jane (SJ) Morris, Senior Manager, Developer Community, HubSpot
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