Humans of HubSpot

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Community Manager

Humans of HubSpot: Lesa Verbick

Hey Community, 


This week we want to spotlight Lesa Verbick, you may know her as @LesaVerbick in the Community. 


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Lesa shared how she started using HubSpot and what she does for work. Discover what she does in her free time and with whom she would like to have dinner.


Tell us about yourself

I am passionate to utilize resources I have at my disposal at their full potential--if its cooking a new recipe, creating storage space in unused areas of my home, or utilizing the HubSpot platform to benefit more than business owners but the student body at my university. I want to squeeze out all the opportunities I can, wherever I can.


How did you start using HubSpot? Was it in your current role, or a different role?

I had dabbled with HubSpot as a consumer, but became aware of the opportunities and the scope for businesses through a Professor at Wayne State University with the EPP grant. Brainstorming in a student organization and wanting to offer service to small businesses, I was a part of the founding team to seek out the grant from HubSpot for our university. Now as part of the Education Partner Program at Wayne State University, I lead the team that developed a digital business consultancy, named Agency M-1. I utilized the HubSpot platform to build a digital presence for all student organization's and began outreach to small businesses in Detroit, MI. Currently, I am the CEO of Agency M-1. Pleases see our website at:


Tell us a little bit about your company and your position.

Agency M-1 is a student conceptualized, student driven, and student led digital business consultancy to bring hands-on experience while utilizing course work for students and professors and engage the small business community. With guidance from Accenture, and mentors and business leaders from Google and the Detroit Pistons, Agency M-1 has access to leading edge companies and insights into industries current effected by the digital transformation--and how to see the obstacles as opportunities. The effects on companies in need of a digital presence and e-commerce along with the change in consumer behavior and desires are individual to each business. I lead a team to digest and then deliver the best information available to have meaningful engagement with their members (student organizations) or customers (businesses).


What do you do for fun outside of work?

Outside of work, I am learning a new skills in hand embroidery--its unplugged from all electronic devices and allows my mind to wander creatively. Also, I have several goals for adventurous travel--one being to pedal cart over 2 miles on an abandoned rail line through the California redwood forest. I'm physically training to be able to accomplish this goal soon.


If you could have dinner with anyone in the world. (past or present), who would it be and why?

Penny "Tweedy" Chenery. Her leadership and guidance as an entrepreneur at the age of 50, in the 1970s and against many odds and nay-sayers is captivating to me. A quote by Ms. Chenery is encouraging to me, ""We are all certainly ... fighting to be a person and not a woman. I like being a woman, and I'd rather look pretty than ugly, but that's not the point. The point is I, as a person, am doing something." Dinner with this person would be one I'd be sure to have plenty of time between courses to enjoy the conversation. Ms. Chenery was the owner of the stable and Triple Crown Champion, Secretariat.


Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself with us @LesaVerbick 🙂

Do you have a piece of embroidery artwork that you are particularly proud of?


Do you want to keep in touch with Lesa? Connect with her on LinkedIn


Stay tuned for our next Humans of HubSpot post for next week!

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2 Replies 2
Hall of Famer

Humans of HubSpot: Lesa Verbick

Hi @LesaVerbick , it's nice to learn a little about you and your involvement with the EPP, it's very cool to see the result of a program like this! I checked out your website and was surprised to see the range of services your student-led agency is able to provide the community!

I know my way around the Hubs pretty well, but mostly specialize in CMS Hub these days and am always happy to help, I look forward to seeing you around the community 🙂

If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon
Community Manager
Community Manager

Humans of HubSpot: Lesa Verbick

Thank you for sharing @LesaVerbick


"pedal cart over 2 miles on an abandoned rail line through the California redwood forest" - this sounds absolutely wonderful! 



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