HubSpot Marketing

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

The exact marketing reports you use will vary depending on the type of data you’re reviewing and the purpose of each report. They can assess where your traffic and leads are coming from, what content they interacted with, if and when they converted, and how long it took for them to become a customer.


With this in mind:

  • Which reports are you currently using on your HubSpot Marketing dashboards?
    • Bonus: Are you using more than one marketing dashboard?
  • Are there reports in the HubSpot reporting library you've found particularly helpful?
  • Which custom reports have you recently build that you're really proud of?

I'd love to hear all about it below! 


Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

I am using the website analytics and visits and engagement dashboards.

0 いいね!

Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

We mostly

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Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

I mostly use simple reports, but I'd delve deeper to create custom reports with time - Tayo from Ireland

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Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

Well, I have a couple interestings dashboards that helps me to improve my campaigns.

1. A quickly example could be my paid search dashboard that analyze:

  • What asset converted the contact
  • Conversion rate of the contacts generated by the paid search campaign
  • Lifestafe Cycle of the contacts

2. Yes, there are such an interesting reports that actually help me when I need a fast answer.

3. Well, I'm really starting with the dashboards thing, so i'm very proud of everything I do.




Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

Como voy instruyendome recientemente en el area de marketing hasta los momentos utilizo los informes diarios, semanales  y mensuales.


*No estoy utlizando tablero de Marketing*


*Anuncios atribuidos a contactos por red social

*Impresiones de anuncios por red social

*Clics en anuncios por red social

actualmernte no tengo un informe personalizado del cual me sienta orgullosa 


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メンバー | Diamond Partner
メンバー | Diamond Partner

Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

For now, I'm currently only utilizing the default dashboards but as I get more familiar with the reports and become officially part of the team I will look into optimizing my dashboards on demand.

0 いいね!

Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

We use mostly simple reports yet soon we will start creating our own 😉

0 いいね!
メンバー | Platinum Partner
メンバー | Platinum Partner

Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

We use mostly custom reports.

0 いいね!

Which reports are currently on your marketing dashboards?

Great info, I agree! And it's best to think about objectives or goals and segment reports accordingly to keep reports relevant and uncluttered.

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