On a past thread, we discussed some of the ways that workflows can trigger your team internally. You can use them to automate data clean up or to trigger notifications to your sales team.
Now, let’s discuss ways you can use workflows to engage your leads and customers.
For example, one of my all-time favorite ways to use workflows is to re-engage leads that have abandoned their shopping cart.
The concept here is simple: When someone adds an item to their online shopping cart but leaves your site without completing the purchase, you can trigger an email workflow that reminds them of their forgotten purchase and motivates them to Live the transaction by offering a special discount code or some other incentive to buy.
That’s my favorite use workflows! How are you currently using yours? Sound off in the comments below.
Workflows can feel like a win when attached to that special purchase offer on your birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. When properly triggered, we take advantage of a desire that already exists in most humans.
Most people, if not everyone, want to feel special on their special days. These are seasonal, but work great for long term delight.
I love the workflow version of "we found similar items for you" which is a great way of optimizing retention. this usually me to brousing for more and ultimately making a purchase.
Workflows can be used in many ways to boost sales for your company. For example, they can automate sales and promotions alerts for your leads. You can optimize efficiency by enabling your workflow to send alerts only to specific target audiences.
As an individual continuously on the receiving end of workflows, I've encountered a plethora of ways companies utilize it to maintain prospective customers' interest. A great way of using automated workflows is by sending them an inexpensive product, similar to that left in their cart via email. This provides a more palatable price that may keep said customer interested and shopping. Similarly, sending discount codes or providing rewards points for certain items could push customers to stay interested and more willing to buy.
I have not used workflows before but a great way I see them being utilized is through the follow up email offers when shopping cart abandonement happens like 10% or 20% off the prospective customers purchase. Another way I see them being utilized is through trying to get customers to purchase more by suggesting similar items they would like when they add a specific item to their cart or showing a little meter that shows how much they have left to spend to get a special discount/free shipping etc.
As I am learning more and more about workflows and not yet using them in my professional career, a workflow that I've heard about is sending emails based on what a customer has previously purchased or sending them discount codes so, they can come back to the site and purchase again.
I like the idea of using workflows to automate data clean up.
It would be interesting to create a work flow that created monthly contact updates by encouraging engagement with forms.
The forms could deliver loyalty discounts to participants. Offers can be updated monthly with exclusive discounts for loyality customers who participate monthly.
I am still learning and I haven't had the chance to demo the process. I hope I grasp the concept properly. What do you guys think ?
As a marketing student, I’m still learning about the various ways workflows can be utilized, but I find the concept really exciting! Your example of re-engaging leads who abandon their shopping carts resonates with me, as it’s a practical application that directly impacts sales.
While I haven't implemented workflows myself yet, I can see how they could be valuable in nurturing leads through personalized email campaigns. For instance, I’d love to explore how we could set up workflows to send tailored content based on a lead's interactions with our website. This could include sending helpful resources or reminders based on specific interests, which would enhance their engagement and drive them closer to conversion.
We are using workflows to help us keep an eye on new leads. Once they are in our funnel we send email/texts and call prospective patients to schedule them for an appointment.
This isn't exactly what the question is asking for, but I work for Insycle, which offers advanced lead routing using any field to trigger assignments, and we see some very interesting use cases that we've built features for.
Routing / Segmenting:
Routing technical job roles to technical reps
Routing leads by size
Routing industry-specific leads to specialized reps
Workload balancing:
Balance across rep teams
Balance based on time frames such as by the week, month, quarter
Weighted assignments to account for new reps, reduced workloads, etc.
Set working hours and time zones for each rep, without having to constantly mess with workflows to start/stop assignments to specific reps
Set upcoming planned unavailable days, such as vacation or conference days
Toggle reps as unavailable for unexpected days like sick days