HubSpot Ideas


slack private channel

Hubspot's integration with Slack can only access public slack channels, not private ones.  Most of our content is in private channels, so this feature has no value to us.

18 Replies

The Hubspot to Slack task management is insufficient so long as it doesn't allow a task to be assigned to a colleague in a direct message.


Other apps like Workast have no problem doing this - why can't the Slack Hubspot app cope with this?!




I was so excited to log into a workflow and see that the Slack integration had been improved to allow us to send Slack messages to associated owners (e.g. Deal owner, Quote approver, etc...) - A huge step forward.


Last remaining item before we can fully ditch other automation tools is the ability to send Slack messages from within workflows into private channels. Currently the HubSpot workflow allows us to choose any public channel or any user, but private channels are where the bulk of our sensitive work occurs that is driven by HubSpot (e.g. a new quote has been signed, success team please spring into action)


Any plan to change this?


Hello HubSpot team, we are in the same situation, it would be highly useful if we could assign deals to private channels on slack. Thank you! Tudor


Another vote for this one. We literally set up a private channelf or this express purpose only to find it somehow isn't even possible.


I agree. This is something we need as well. This would be so useful.


Chiming in with a solution to this issue above. Our IT team added the HubSpot app into the private channel as a "member," and then the channel started showing up as an option in workflows under the Slack channels dropdown.  


@malv13 Thanks so much for this note. I think this might have worked for us.


It's rather bizzare that it's not documented anywhere or that Hubspot themselves haven't noted it in this thread.


@methnen  Are you able to describe how you did this? I urgently need this functionality.


To be able to allow HubSpot posting to private Slack channels, the channel owner/admin has to add HubSpot app to that channel.

You simply open the channel info in Slack and on the Integrations tab, you install HubSpot app.

All private channels have to be configured separately, I am not aware of any global settings in Slack - I guess it's a security feature.

HubSpot Employee

Hey all, it is possible to use workflows to send notifications to private slack channels.

This is documented in our KB here:
You must invite the HubSpot app to any private Slack channels in order to receive notifications. 

To send a reply via the Slack thread from a private channel, you need to invite the user that instal...

Hope this clarifies!


@methnen Thank you for adding that walkthrough video. Exactly what I was looking for!


HubSpot now works with private channels! There are two ways to do this:


1) Direct way

1.1) Create private channel

1.2) After creating, invite the HubSpot app into the channel

1.3) Associate your new private channel with your Deal (note, your channel will appear to be public when you associate, eg #channel-name instead of a [lock]channel-name)


2) Roundabout way

2.1) create public channel

2.2) associate deal with public channel

2.3) make channel private

2.4) invite the HubSpot app into the channel


Thanks for the video walkthrough @methnen simple and super helpful!


@methnen Thank you so much for the helpful video, you're my lifesaver! Didn't know the trick. 


There is a similar idea with more votes. Let's gather input there: 


Just found you a solution in the comments section of another thread:

It is actually possible to use workflows to send notifications to private slack channels.

This is documented in our HubSpot knowledge base here:
You must invite the HubSpot app to any private Slack channels in order to receive notifications. 

To send a reply via the Slack thread from a private channel, you need to invite the user that instal...

Video explanation of adding the HubSpot app to a Slack channel:  (Made by methnen

Link to the other thread:

Hope this clarifies 🙂