HubSpot Ideas


"Assigned By" in Task Property

It would be nice to be able to see, specifically in the Task "board" view, who a task was assigned by. Was this a task I created for myself? Did a teammate create it for me? Was it auto-created? Did my boss assign it to me? This would also be helpful from a  management perspective to see if a user is utilizing tasks for themselves, replying on teammates to create them for them, and how auto-created tasks are being completed. 

Thanks a mill, Shaun

Will check the task history to see how to ascertain who created this task

Onwards & upwards 🙌
投稿者 | Elite Partner

Very much needed! Seems like such a small fix but would be very helpful!


"Assigned By" in Task Property - please make this a thing HS! 


This should already be in the product.


Kinda sad to see this has been sittin' for 4 years...Admin's need the ability to see staff's tasks & break them down between self-assigned & management-assigned...


I was looking for the same info and ended up here. I've noticed something interesting. There's a "Created By" field in Tasks. I've seen this field filled out with a user's name in my client's account for several tasks, but some entries are blank. I'm guessing those blank tasks are being assigned automatically from workflows. It would be really handy to know exactly which workflow is kicking those tasks out.


@JasonWofford Appreciate your reply! Just found the 'Created by' field recently, too & have created a Tasks view tab for my lead advisor to track where folks are on his specific tasks. Very handy.

also, however, as you mentioned, learned that tasks assigned via a workflow aren't showing there. Bummer. Literally Yesterday started noodling on a way, property, form-fill space, something...within the workflow steps which would allow that info to flow in. Zero answers yet but if You think of one, lemme know! 😀🤞


Though you can add the 'created by' field on the desktop version, the mobile app doesn't let you do this.

So I cannot tell who has sent me the tasks when I'm on the road with customers.

This seems like bread and butter stuff, as Sales Reps work on the road and having to log into the desktop version each time wouldn't be convenient.


Why doesn't this 'created by' information for tasks exist on the mobile app?


I still need this property added to Tasks. I don't understand why this has not been added yet. I can see "Created By" in the Task board view but it does not show me who last assigned it to me. It could have passed thru 3 or 4 people before being assigned to me and I have to follow the breadcrumb trail to find out who assigned it to me.


I tried to figure out how to add a new property to Tasks like I can for other records, but changing properties on Tasks is not an option.


This should be property in a Task that I can see on the Record itself, like this:  

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 9.16.34 AM.png


Agree 100%.  And what about letting the "Assigned By" automatically know when it is marked as Completed?