It would be nice to be able to see, specifically in the Task "board" view, who a task was assigned by. Was this a task I created for myself? Did a teammate create it for me? Was it auto-created? Did my boss assign it to me? This would also be helpful from a management perspective to see if a user is utilizing tasks for themselves, replying on teammates to create them for them, and how auto-created tasks are being completed.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
This seems like an oversight by HS in the Task feature and something that's desperately needed. If you leave someone a "Note" it is logged with "Note by {{first + last name}} could do so something similar for Tasks.
Yes, knowing who created (assigned) the task is crucial for tracking and accountability purposes. If anyone knows of a third-party app that handles this please post to this thread.
...I'm looking to do this as I've been asked by multiple people in different depts. I looked everywhere and I can't believe there is no "assigned by", there's an "assigned to" but cannot filter the other way round.
This really would be very useful.... We keep getting told that more votes on ideas pushes these up to the front of the queue (or "line" as you say in the US). But it's frustrating to see that there's no progress here and no resolution in sight.
TOTALLY agreed - I am in IT for a huge company in South Africa (Seeff), with 100s of staff & NOT being able to sort by who 'created or assigned' the task is crazy! Please sort this ASAP: THANK YOU!
I am pleased to say that this is actually a feature that works. Instead of looking for tasks created by or assigned by, use the filter 'activity created by'. Tasks are activities, and they fall under the same filter.
That is a good work around for the Task list view but it does not help in the Activity view of a particular record. If they would add the "created by" field to the task record itself, that would be sufficient and helpful.
For that information in the task 'card' you can just hit actions than history, and you see who created it. I know it's not ideal but gets rid of the mystery of who created the tasks.
And by using the activity 'created by' I have made reports and dashboards so I can see it from a high-level view.
Although you can kinda see this in the Task History - this is IMPERATIVE for large team like ourseleves when we are monitoring Tasks. Please HubSpot developers this would be an easy one to make happen.
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