We need a way to pre-set the value of a property field. I am constantly creating new Contacts where 85% of the time, the values of several properties are always the same. For example, I have a property called HaveX that should almost always be a value of 'yes', but I cannot set the default value of this (and other properties).
Hubspot Support response:
It is not currently possible to set a default value for properties within your account, as we don't have the ability to force a property to always have a value. However, you can set a default value for a property in forms by checking the "Pre Select" box next to an option in the form editor. You also have the option to create a workflow to automatically update records that don't have a value for the property in question.
my response >> I know about setting workflows and forms, but neither would fit this need. Can I ask for this to be considered for future development?
I would like to add that the default vaule could be used when there is no input from the user on contact creation. if the user has chosen not to enter a data value, then i want my default to be used.
I am not excited about creating a long workflow to look at all the default values I want to have stored for filtering and reporting on these items.
This would be great, but I'm a little discouraged seeing this was posted in 2020.
A teammember just asked me to set the default to yes for a document that is received on every new contract. To my surprise there is no option to select a default value. Please add a checkbox next to the custom values that will allow us to select a default value. Should be easy for the dev team of a amazing solution like HubSpot.
This is especially a problem considering boolean values, we cannot have a default "Yes" or "No" so the default value ends up being just blank...very annoying and somewhat confusing in workflows when others don't know whether to "include records where X is empty"
Throwing my hat in the ring to say I'd appreciate the ability to define a default value for Hubspot properties. The functionality exists inside forms already; it would be great to see it ported over to properties generally.
This problem has been submitted since 2020 & they can't just do it?! Like it's a very simple task. PLEASE GIVE US THE ABILITY TO ADD DEFAULT VALUES TO THE PROPERTIES.
We need this functionality as well, is it on the development roadmap? It's a pity that such basic stuff was requested so long ago and it's still not available.
Yes, it would be great to have this feature. For example, when we create a calculation property that includes a string or multiselect property, the output doesn't work if this type of property doesn't have a value.
This is a pretty basic feature I'd like to make use of. I understand this need is a 'trigger' action for upgrading to service pro (see what I did there?).
I need the "Add Default Values" option on the "Edit Form" for creating a record on a custom object. Has anyone figured out a way around this? I want the same functionality that the Deals object has where the default value for the name of the deal contains the Company Name. I need to use a personalization token to create a name for each record created in my custom object.
Hey HubSpot, how is it not a feature? I can have a workflow that can trigger webhooks based on complex scenarios but can't but a default text in my properties?
* Text (single line, multi, rich) fields - should enable default text * Checkbox (single, multi, radio, dropdown) fields - need to support a default value * Number fields - need to support a default value Version 2.0:
* Date pickers with relative offsets as default values (Hubspot is very weak with date math), e.g. * Default = today() + 31 * Default for this property = value of another property +/- offset, use case example, the default value for Year 1 Contract Start Date = Close Date + 30 days
This is a very basic feature that is essential to effectiveness when entering data. How is this not supported in 2024? Re-filling 95% constant fields (with occasional variety) is definitely going to be a huge unnecessary time consumer in our sales department. Please implement support for this, it's something everyone should have out of the box.