I'd love to be able to arrange contacts on a company record in order of importance or relevance to the record. Sometimes we have more than 5-10 contacts associated with a company and it would be ideal to arrange them so that the top contacts relevant to the company were shown on the company view without having to click through.
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I’m a Product Designer here at Hubspot and am in the process of designing a few potential solutions. To help us better understand your needs, we’d love to connect with anyone interested in providing feedback. If you're available, please submit this short form and we will reach back out to you.
Hi everyone, Lily here from the HubSpot product team 👋
Thank you all for the contributions and continued feedback in this space. Over the last year we've added the ability to customize your record pages more deeply and will continue to invest in this space next year, including within the right sidebar. Stay tuned for more updates here!
In the meantime, here are some updates we've made to help you display the right information in the middle column of a record page. Note: you must be ungated to the CRM Record Page Editor (currently in public beta, accessed via the Product Updates page).
Association label list: displays a list of associated records organized by their assigned association label. This allows your to display your associated records by association label; you can choose to show all, or just some. Card + Card settings:
Association table + quick filters: displays a table of associated records and the records' properties, as well as customized default filters. This allows you to easily filter on a property like "Lead Status" right from the middle column card. Card + Card settings:
If you have access to development resources, check out our UI Extensions beta (currently in public beta, accessed via the Product Updates page).
Within this beta, there are additional customization options available such as applying a default sort or a pre-filtered query to your association table to filter the data by specific values of the associated records. This allows you to create an association table that only shows associated deals with a deal stage of 'contract sent'. Card:
Thank you as always for your continued feedback, it helps us build a great product. We've investigated and researched this request and at the time this is not something we're prioritizing to build into HubSpot.
As always, we're constantly evaluating and re-evaluating our priorities to deliver as much value as possible. So, I could certainly see a day in the future where we address something like this, but we do not have a timeline on when that may be. Keep the use cases and ideas coming though and we will update this post as we make progress!
Hi everyone, I'm a member of the HubSpot product team. Thanks for filing this issue @BradCarter, it was an interesting one to stumble upon. I'm doing research on this exact problem right now and I'm looking for some help from you all.
What do you consider to be "important or relevance" when it comes to this type of sorting? What attributes or data points tell you that one record is more important than another associated?
Feel free to add your examples or use cases as comments, as this is a problem we're currently keen on solving on the CRM record pages.
When I put in a request to their support team, they referred me to this idea to upvote it. Sounds like it has been decided to not be planned at this time, which means its probably sitting in a backlog somewhere.
Wanted to bring this back up, still very frustrating to click "view more contacts" on the company page. It would be great to have the ability to select to see all company contacts and stay on that company page.
I have a use case for a current client where we include Sellers and Potential Buyers as Contacts on Tickets. We typically have only one 'Seller', but several Buyers. I'd like to prioritise the Contacts by their 'Assocation Label', so that the Seller appears in the list first, since they are most important to us.
Being able to sort in different ways as follows, similar to reports, would be highly useful:
By importance (typically the 'label' will provide the importance i.e. Owner, Director)
By creation date
The best thing would to be able to sort 'on the fly' by any of the above! 😀
Association Labels are a great feature, but with a few additions like these, they will be more powerful.
I am dissappointed that this is not a planned feature. I get asked weekly by our team how they can sort the contacts in the company record. I was hopeful that the new association labels would at least help our team identify their primary contacts but that's not the case. If we have more than one 5 contacts (we frequently do), they have to click to view all of the contacts on another page where there is no way to see how a contact is labeled. This is very frustrating. .
I really need this function! Being able to choose to 'pin' up to a certain number of contacts in the company view would work best. I have added labels under 'Customer type' that I would also like to pin across the board - finance, primary contact etc.
We would benefit greatly from this feature - just to be able to manually reorder the contacts that appear on the right-hand side of the company page. A bit like 'pinning' so it appears at the top.
We too have many contacts for each company record. We do use the association labels and it would be nice to set our contacts with labels (Broker, Company Admin, etc.) as the default contacts that display in the company record.
Any updates on where this stands with the HS team?
Can you make it so we can mark certain contacts as the Primary contact so they jump to the top of the list? Very crucial to how we identify the point of contact. Most Companies of ours have over 5 people.
We have just signed up to HubSpot and whilst on our the demo we were shown highlighted all the fantastic features it offers, you dont really notice the little irritating things like this until you start playing around with it yourself. I am using the additional Association Tags which I presumed would automatically 'Pin' the 'Most Important' contact to the top of the Company sheet, instead the contact is bottom of the 10 person list. This seems like such an obvious fix either utilising the Association Tag function or introducing a 'Favourite' or 'Starring' system that bumps them up the top. I also thought you may be able to control the order they display through the order in which you input them but it seems be annoyingly random. It is such a irritant to be moved into the seperate contact list which wastes time.
I have just gone through and read this whole thread and I cant believe its been almost 3 years and still no solution has been offered. Hopefully they read these threads regularly and are working on a solution because it isnt a great look for HubSpot if they aren't listening to their community.
@Dylan t would be fantastic if this could be looked at more deeply. As simple to add functionality that would greatly benefit a large number of users. I raised this idea almost 3 years ago and it's been reviewed once. I get updates weekly of other users that have the same need yet it has never been reviewed.
A simple sort function by date added would even be a massive starting point.
@Dylan If contacts have an Association Label for that company, they should be prioritized and be one of the contacts listed in the top right corner of the company record. We may have dozens of contacts at a company, but only a few that are truly active in our relationship with that company. We have association labels indicating the types of contacts they are, and it's tedius to have to click into the contact list every time to search for whom you're looking for. By prioritizing the contacts with association labels, this brings them to the top, as they are the contacts we will be working with most frequently.
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