I agree with this one, it is definitely a feature that we would need. We have many customers where we are doing business with them at multiple locations. We don't want to have to create a unique account every time and would prefer the address in the system matches their corporate headquarters.
So we have to change it to match on the quote, send, and then go back and revert to the original. It would be nice to have the a checkbox or similar that says "Change for just this quote" or "Change Company Contact Card"
It would be much appreciated if this feautre is added as like other users, we want to keep all contacts under one company profile, but they may be residing in different regional offices with different addresses.
If we can just manually change the address to the contact or company card during quote creation process ,or even an option to just manually add information in the header (and we can just uncheck the company card), that would be much appreciated!
This would be fantastic and is very important. Having a box to check that would isolate the address specifically to the quote would save both time and money with our operations as well.
The company name & address on quotes used the "Associated Company" name and address. We have confirmed that within the developer tools it is not possible to changes this.
Example issue:
Let's say the Associated Company is Company ABC and they are Headquartered in USA. The division of that company that we are quoting to let's say is in Ireland. Company ABC, Ireland is in fact a different business unit (but same domain name). We do not want to break the association. When we issue the Quote to Company ABC, Ireland we in fact want the Company Name & Address to be ABC, Ireland not ABC, USA. On the contact level Company Name & address are already in place. We just need to be able to display on the quote the division's correct company name & address. Can HubSpot make this change?
How do other users deal with this problem? It seems to us that this is a fundamental flaw that makes quotes not useable. It is rare we have a customer that does not have multiple global divisions.
Any response from HubSpot Developers is appreciated. I dont understand how HubSpot quotes is useable in the current form if you cannot get the correct company name and address to appear on the quote.
HubSpot quote tool is great, however it is not practically useable due to the address limitations. If HubSpot were to use the address and the company name on the contact level this would be an ideal solution.
Unfortunately, I was able to get the following feedback from HubSpot support. We really need this to be addressed and I have been pressing to understand the timing for this feature. I guess we will have to use another system for quoting:( I really love HubSpot. Just don't understand how this point is missed for quoting. If only it used the company name and address on the contact level as opposed to the company level it would work.
I spoke with my internal team members and they have let me know that the idea that we are discussing is not currently planned for implementation. In the idea, forum ideas are given a few different statuses before they are fully implemented. Once an idea reaches the "in planning" stage the timeline our team likes to give is greater than a year before it is fully implemented.
Currently, the idea we are discussing is in the "Idea submitted" stage, the stages that follow this areIn Planning > Being Reviewed > In Beta > Delivered. So it looks like it would take longer than a year for something like this to be implemented, and this is taking into consideration that the idea reaches the "In Planning" stage.
we have sites in different countries but everyone using the same HubSpot environment, so really need the option for the users to be able to select the different site address once you get to the Your Information section