HubSpot Ideas


monthly recurring emails

I send certain emails every month to the same group of people. I would love to have the ability within the workflows to be able to send emails every month instead of just annually.

The example that I have is when I sent a request for newsletter information in order to customize their monthly email newsletter that is sent to their patients.

92 Replies

Hi HubSpot Dev Team. Is there any chance to revisit this idea? It's a higly- requested idea. Thank you. 


Still no progress to this after years either?  😞 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi Everyone, Apologies for this feature not being planned right now. We will review as a team and I will update this post when I have more information to share on timing or next steps.

Thank you for your ideas and feedback! I will post here again in the coming weeks with an update.






I need to send monthly email reminders on the last business day of the month. This seems like something a lot of companies would need to do. I currently have a team member manually calculating how many days are in between months in order to send these on the right date (but there is still not way for me to verify that the email will send on the date I want it to. It should not be this difficult. From a programming perspective - it seems like you'd just need to create an annual calendar formula for this to work. I think this would be a great hack day project.

Contributor | Diamond Partner

This is a highly indemand feature so I'm surprised it's not planned. Having this feature would save us hours upon hours of labour not to mention headaches of trying to map out the dates and number of days between workflow actions, as well as having to constantly update workflows each year


Another vote for this feature, is there an update that was promised back in January?  


Surprised this is not available. This should be a basic feature of an email service provider. 


Any updates on this?


We need this for recurring quarterly training webinars...

I would automatically send an email with an invitation link on every 2nd Monday of the month, every 3 months.


I think this functionality now exists in service Hub, which is a min $5k a year. Not a great way to compete against Mailchip and other schedulers. 


This feature exists. You have to have Operations Hub Professional, though. If you click "create workflow," it will then ask, "How do you want this workflow to start?" Select the "Schedule" option. This allows you to create daily, weekly, monthly, or annual workflows based on your criteria. 

It just stinks that I'd have to get Operations Hub to use this feature. $500 a month for a simple feature; I don't need the rest of Operations Hub.


100%, such a simple thing to add to the delay options. Already have the option of delaying until a certain date, day of the week or time of day. Why not add the ability to delay to x date of each month. This would really help to build ongoing workflows that continue to capture new contacts but need outbound marketing sent on a particular date ongoing (example regaular donors that we send outbound emails to and want to email the contacts just prior to their next donation being processed).