When building a workflow, it is possible to wait for many of the different options in HubSpot. Such as page view, property change, email interaction, or form fill. But we need an option to wait on a different workflow in the system.
This is critical when many workflows run in the background and are used to maintain the database quality. A simple example is waiting until you have formatted and cleaned the data with Operations Hub before sending out an email. It would be very helpful to have the option to say wait until the workflow that cleans the data has been completed before sending. Right now, the only option is to either rebuild the steps in the existing workflow to clean the data, creating additional places for errors to crop up or making the system harder to maintain. The other option is to enroll in the other workflow and then wait for an arbitrary amount of time to make sure it has time to run but again, that increases runs on the workflows.
Many different workarounds could be taken to use the existing functionality, but none of them are elegant or easy for a user to follow. Being able to put these balances in the system would help increase user adoption into an established system and reduce the possible places errors could be introduced into the system.
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