Hi, There was a short discussion regarding possibility to limit access (ideally a RBAC) to the creating or adding new attributes (Properties) on the basic objects like Contact and Company. We have around 650 properties on the Customer, too many of which are not used and too few are even practical. Since we can't vorbid our Marketing, Sales or CustomerSuccess teammates from accessing the data, we have to come up with a workaround. So far we found that it's possible to trigger a Workflow by listening to the changes on explicitly defined property value change. But it's not implemented for the adding a new Object Property. In the community we've been advised to use the Properties API endpoint https://developers.hubspot.com/beta-docs/reference/api/crm/properties#post-%2Fcrm%2Fv3%2Fproperties%2F%7Bobjecttype%7D%2Fbatch%2Fread to periodically check the number of properties returned from the Customer object. But that means, we need to pull up and run some cron-job and hardcode a mailer which would notifyour dev team that a new property was created. That's a lot of work. Is there any simpler solution on the roadmap? We would be just fine with: - either an email notification that the Object schema has changed - or permissions management that allows us to restrict who can add properties
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