We need a way to pre-set the value of a property field. I am constantly creating new Contacts where 85% of the time, the values of several properties are always the same. For example, I have a property called HaveX that should almost always be a value of 'yes', but I cannot set the default value of this (and other properties). Hubspot Support response: It is not currently possible to set a default value for properties within your account, as we don't have the ability to force a property to always have a value. However, you can set a default value for a property in forms by checking the "Pre Select" box next to an option in the form editor. You also have the option to create a workflow to automatically update records that don't have a value for the property in question. my response >> I know about setting workflows and forms, but neither would fit this need. Can I ask for this to be considered for future development?
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