Some URLs in HubSpot cannot be edited manually, e.g. the URLs of blog tag pages. If you have to use special characters in a blog tag – e.g. German umlauts “ä”, “ö“ and “ü” or the German special character “ß” – the tag page URL looks messy because the special character has to be URL encoded. Problem example: The URL of the German tag name “Produktionslösungen” is “…/tag/produktionsl%C3%B6sungen” Hacky workaround, which is necessary right now: You can enter the tag name in the “clean” form, e.g. “Produktionsloesungen” – this leads to a “clean” URL (“…/tag/produktionsloesungen”). But to have the correct spelling on your pages, you need to use HubL syntax each time you want to output tag names (e.g. {{|replace('oe', 'ö') }}. It works for specific replacement problems. But it’s a hack, not a proper solution. Expected solution: HubSpot should use a replacement table for creating “clean” URLs like every other CMS does. This means that “ö” is replaced by “oe”, “ß” is replaced by “ss”, etc. Replacement tables for all major languages with Latin characters are available, just look at any open-source CMS out there. Solution example: The automatically generated URL of the German tag name “Produktionslösungen” should be “…/tag/produktionsloesungen”
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