Campaigns and tasks are a great update since I last used Hubspot. I love the tasks and the calendar view and tracking the due dates and completions. The tasks get completed with green checkmarks. The task view has All, Due Today, Overdue, and Completed. Problems: 1) All listing does not include the completed. 2) Reporting Library then selecting Tasks, is only focused on Sales and rep tasks, not on any Marketing or Campaign Tasks 3) Custom Report selecting Activities, Type= Publishing Task, There is no option to add the Completed date in this report, the only fields that report are Create Date and Activity Date. (The fields of Task Completion and Task Status are selectable, however, are blank and I believe are only used for Sales Tasks and not Publishing Tasks) Need: To export all Publishing Tasks with Activity Date, and Completion Date in excel to make this a viable solution for Marketing Reporting to executives and others sharing the progress and value of Hubspot as more than just an automated email engine. : ) Image: Campaign Tasks (All completed) These completed should also show up in All tab, but do not: more