Admittedly I'm a former user of SalesForce so I expected similar automation and email integration processes/options within HubSpot. Hubspot is far behind SalesForce in this area. The following would greatly improve the function: 1) Don't auto generate Contacts, Companies, or Leads from Outlook emails without some form of pop-up window or sidebar checkboxes explictly asking for the user to confirm having these generated and added to their CRM. Maybe still provide an over-ride checkbox in preferences for those HubSpot users that want Hubspot to auto-generate and populate their CRM's? HubSpot's autogeneration of new contacts and leads for every email I send has cluttered my CRM with useless data that now negatively impacts all of my lists, reports etc with bad contacts. 2) SalesForce's sidebar add-in shows all recipients, allows me to click which Company and Contact recipient I want to log and which ones I don't. If there's a recipient that's not in my CRM it asks if I want to add a new contact. It didn't auto-generate anything without my opting into doing it. It eliminates bad data being autogenerated and clogging up the CRM 3) I tried to uncheck the "Log Email," checkbox in settings. This kind of helped, as now I need to check the box in each email if I want it logged to recipients of that email. But again, it's an all-or-nothing fix. Either I can't log the email at all (leave box unchecked) or it logs the email to all recipients and auto-generates new contacts for any of the recipeints that aren't already in my HubSpot CRM (check the box). Please look into updating the add-in to offer something similar to SalesForce's add-in. Again, maybe have an over-ride checkbox in Preferences for those HubSpot users that want to automatically log everything into HubSpot and auto-generate contacts, companies, and leads. However, based on all of the community threads, industry blogs, etc that I've read, most users want to have the ability to (1) select which email recipients have the email logged into their Company/Contact, and (2) select which email recipients need to have a new Contact generated for them.
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