I'm looking for some help that is causing a great deal of angst among our users. We're a real estate business that does large scale advertising campaigns for approximately 12 days leading to a sale event. During this time we receive anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 inquires. Often times a user will want to recall a contact they spoke with, but when they enter a name, the record they're looking for may be 20 or more names down the results list or not at all. This is causing a lot of problem with time and lost opportunity to reconnect because we can not reliably look up a name. In taking so many inquiries, some are from contacts who are already in the system. If they're on the phone and mention that and a user attempts to find them, often times they cannot...is that because the contact mistakenly thought they spoke to us before or the system just isn't finding and loading up the record. Per Support, I've personally updated Chrome, deleted browsing history, restarted and tried again, and still the same unreliable search results. Is there a setting or something that can be done to fix this? All we want is a reliable search result when a full name is entered that shows the exact matches first in the search results. We made the switch from Salesforce in Sept '24 and I was largely responsible for the decision, now I'm being heavily questioned for the decision based on this difficulty of use. Thanks!
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