USE CASE: We have a growing number of HubSpot users, each user belongs to a team, of which there are several different teams. Each team has a different setup to any other team within the company. It's quite a common occurrence for me, as a SuperAdmin, to get a call asking about a particular property or something odd the user can or cannot see OR be needing to set up a user profile and want to check that the profile works for that person's needs OR be discussing with my management team any number of improvements we could put in action for the team OR be training a new team member and not be able to see what the user can see OR in a training session be sharing my screen and having the user be confused because they can't see what I'm seeing or see more on my screen than they can on their own etc etc etc ... There are a number of areas the below solution could be of use and help. SOLUTION? As a SuperAdmin it would be great to be able to log in as/to another user from my account to see (and work on) what the user themselves can see on their screen, almost like a Teamviewer function where I (As a SuperAdmin) can essentially take control of another users screen (what they see on their screen) BUT still have SuperAdmin permissions to make fixes on the fly. more