Hi there! Not a major or super important suggestion here, but I'd like to recommend a personalization token for HubSpot users to be able to add their job title into 1:1 emails. I feel as though this should be a basic option just as email address or phone number is. I'm not referring to adding a job title to an email signature, either. I mean in the body copy of an email, just as I could use a personalization token to add the contact's job title. Who: This is likely for smaller teams where multiple employees, with different job titles, are performing 1:1 outreach or sending 1:1 emails. Goal: To be able to easily introduce ourselves in an email with the appropriate job title. Value: Not having to manually populate the job title in 1:1 emails, especially for templates in sequences! Currenlty, when we schedule sequences we have to manually add in our job titles to the email. I would need to create multiple sequences for each one of my team members just to have the correct job title in each template. (for us, the job title is typically only in the first email of the sequence) In the 'Users & Teams' settings under the 'Users' tab, there is a property for 'Job Title'. We can't edit it, or use it for that matter. I think that needs to change. 🙂 Thanks!