Hi All, At the moment when creating a social media post on LinkedIn from HubSpot, you can't attach a PDF file similar as you do with Images etc.. so you have to upload the PDF file from the file section on HubSpot, copy the link redirecting to the PDF file and add the link on the LinkedIn post you are creating from HubSpot. Please find below the issues I have noticed from my experiments when proceeding as explained above: By adding the link redirecting to your PDF file on your LinkedIn post created from HubSpot, your PDF file won't show on LinkedIn as a slide, but if you create the post directly from LinkedIn, you will have the option to upload your PDF file on the post and it will show as a slide. My experiments have shown that PDF files showing as a slide on the post will receive more clicks (so your audience will engage more with the post) than if these were shared by adding the link on the post. In addition, I have noticed from my experiments that PDF files showing as a slide on the posts have received more engagement than the posts using images. Solution: Please add the option for us to upload PDF files directly from HubSpot when creating a LinkedIn post. In order for your PDF files to show as a slide on your LinkedIn post, you have to create the post directly from LinkedIn, the issue then is that your LinkedIn NETWORK TRACKED CLICKS won't be added to your HubSpot social media report and because the post has been created directly on LinkedIn, on your HubSpot social media report it will show 0 click (N/A) for LinkedIn, so if we decide to start using PDF files to create our LinkedIn posts going forward, (because my experiments have shown that our audience are engaging more with posts showing the PDFs files as a slide), then we will have to create the posts directly from LinkedIn, as a result, our HubSpot social media report won't be accurate (the LinkedIn KPIs will show as we are underperforming). Solution: By adding the option to publish PDF files when creating a LinkedIn post from HubSpot will help to get our social media report accurate as HubSpot doesn't add network tracked clicks on the social media report unless I have missed something?? Also I'm not quite sure if the web sessions generated by our LinkedIn posts are added to our HubSpot social media report when the posts are created directly from LinkedIn). We are facing a similar challenge when creating our social media KPIs monthly because for our Twitter's posts created from HubSpot, we have to manually look on Twitter for the impressions each Twitter's post has received because these aren't reported on HubSpot social media reports. Overall, it will be great if you could please add the feature requested above and improve the HubSpot social media reporting tool as explained.
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