Hi everyone, Our organization recently implemented Hubspot's help desk ticketing system in place of Outlook's shared mailboxes. We have three separate departments that have transitioned over, and we are running into some minor challenges. Any recommendations would greatly be appreciated. Restrict Viewing Unassigned Tickets to Pipeline Access: As tickets arrive, we want them analyzed by a team and come in unassigned. Currently, all unassigned tickets are visible to all teams, regardless of access to the pipeline. The sole alternative is unchecking the view unassigned tickets & selecting only view tickets by team ownership, however this requires an assigned owner. Shared views help, however, we would like 0 visibility for unassigned tickets that don't pertain to their department/pipeline access. Delegation Permissions: Currently, every Team can send out of each other’s department email address. We want to restrict this per user and/or team. The following are some additional suggestions that we would like to see implemented in the new help desk. Ticket Creation Email “From” Line equivalent to Pipeline: When a new ticket is created our IThelpdesk@company.com is automatically set as the sender address every time. We would prefer if the email address of the pipeline specified during ticket form creation to appear on the "from" line once generated. Restrict Inserting Team based Templates: When inserting a template into an email, our users have the option of selecting from any of the templates that have been developed. To minimize confusion, we would prefer if users can only view/insert templates pertaining to their team access. Thanks!
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