Hello All, We created an LBO. $1 for 5 days of access to our product. After that 5 days it charges $99 a month on a subscripition until its cancelled. example here - https://app.hubspot.com/payments/po8tNVrOSF?referrer=PAYMENT_LINK Currently there is no way for the end user to cancel the subsricption themselves, they need to contact our staff to cancel it before the $99 hits, or at any point in time in which they want to cancel...Which is a huge time suck for our team for such a small offer. We expect to sell 1000s of these offers, so the time demand to manually cancel these would be overwelhming. There is also no way for the end user to update credit card info, they have to reach out every single time as well, which is just clunky in the client experience.
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