Our sales team do a lot of business at fairs, conferences and similar events. They really like the business card scanner, because it lets them save a lot of time; however, they're requesting a way to also record which event they met their potential contacts at, without having to later update each new contact manually. Now, we already have a "Contact information" property to record this information; it's a "multiple checkboxes" field where each event we display at is a separate line item, sorted with the most recent at the top of the list. (We did it this way to prevent typo-related duplicates.) This field has to be updated individually and manually, which isn't easy on the mobile app and takes the sales team's time and attention away from event prospecting. Now, the business card scanner only scans what's on the card, and that's okay. But on the "Final review and edit" page, there are only the same five fields - Full name, Job title, Email, Mobile and Website. If we could add more property fields onto the "Final review and edit" page, the sales team could enter the values for these properties at the end of the scanning process. Given that a Super Admin can modify the default views, properties, and forms for the HubSpot browser interface, and given that doing so modifies the list of available fields in the "Create -> Contact" form on the iOS & Android app, would it be possible to create a customization interface for the mobile app's "Scan business card" form?
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