HubSpot, like so many other applications, has revived Clippy from Microsoft Word in the late 90s. Sure they don't use an actual image of a paper clip, but they have retained the all the annoying features of something popping up when you don't need it. I understand first time users find pop-up instructions very useful, but everyday users no longer need, and grow to resent them. Here are just two of the HubSpot Clippys I'd like to be able to turn off or see removed all together. GMail Extension: There is dot on the extension icon that tells you if you're logged in (green). That is perfect. Clippy #1: Instead, when I log into gmail, HubSpot launches a splash window telling me I'm not logged in. Get rid of that. Clippy #2: When I do log in, HubSpot opens the Chrome side panel. It only takes 2 clicks to close it down but that's sometimes 4-6 clicks a day - over a thousand clicks a year... annoying. The solution is simple - do not change the state of the side panel. HubSpot Support gave this as a reason for this behavior "The reason for this behaviour is that it demonstrates to extension users that the login was successful." See little, elegant green dot mentioned above... In general, there needs to be an "expert" mode where all those annoying pop-ups are disabled. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. more