As a super admin I would like to restrict (as in hide if no access) access to menus and screens by Team and user. Today, even the most basic user can see a lot of screens and menus that in best case is confusing ("no, you don't need to look at that screen, even if it is visible in the menu, it is not for you") or worst it allows them to probe into areas that really is none of their business. Examples of bad application "behaviour" today: as a sales rep I have menu points visible at the top for Conversations, Files and Tickets, as well as Reports. Confusing, if my job role doesn't cover those things. as any type of user I can access MANY settings using the cogs in the top right corner and a) view many things that are none of my business account defaults Property settings currencies domains tracking code ALL users and their access rights b) even change some things: e.g. Hubspot access to the entire portal!!! c) in a few cases even need to access them for things completely unrelated Under settings it even says "only administrators can change these settings" on some then screens. Then DON'T show them to users without edit access!! as a ordinary sales rep I can switch on / off Hubspto access to the entire Portal. Surely this is a bug! This is a HUGE issue both for security and compliance reasons (you cannot show all this information to none-admin users) AND for training and onboarding reasons ("no you don't need to bother or worry about that menu/screen; it is not for you but Hubspot shows it anyway") Suggested actions: Under settings: DON'T show screens that the user doesn't have access to edit. It is simply wrong on so many levels Allow Super Admin to completely switch the Settings menu off for either all users, by team or by individual user Allow Super Admin to control access rights to ALL screens by Team and/or individual user, e.g. Switch off "Files" for some, on for others; switch off "Reports" for some, on for others, etc Stop showing upselling menu items to common users: example "Playbooks" is visible to a basic sales rep, but when he clicks on it he is told that the company has Professional and need Enterprise, and is then shown a screen to "Talk to Hubspot Sales". No!!! my common sales people should NOT have to deal with whether the company buys a bigger package from Hubspot or not.
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